A Year of Relentless Commitment to Equity & Progress
Letters from Leadership
A Letter to Advocates from American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown
Investing in Champions for Health Equity
All children, no matter where they live, should grow up with access to healthy and affordable foods, safe drinking water and family-friendly places for physical activity.
Voices for Healthy Kids, an initiative of the American Heart Association, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, makes it easier and more enticing for children to eat healthy, drink smart and move more.
This mission is more important than ever as communities nationwide manage health disparities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
That is why the American Heart Association, as a long-standing champion for health equity, is putting a stake in the ground to dismantle structural barriers to health and well-being. Simply put, we are relentless in our commitment to create a world where every person has the opportunity to live a full, healthy life.
Lighting our path is our 2024 Impact Goal to advance cardiovascular health for all, including identifying and removing barriers to health care access and quality.
In pursuit of that goal, we made 10 Commitments, which we are systematically fulfilling through investments, advocacy, innovation and engagement.
I could not be prouder of the role that Voices for Healthy Kids plays in realizing these commitments, working tirelessly with local and national organizations to transform communities from the ground up.
Over the past year, campaign efforts doubled in support of community organizations disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
Whether leveraging our leading science to make an advocacy impact, building advocacy capacity, funding equity-focused community organizations or creating messaging playbooks, including the Racial Equity in Public Policy Message Guide, Voices for Healthy Kids is a trusted and enduring connector across the country.
On behalf of the American Heart Association and Voices for Healthy Kids, I extend heartfelt thanks to our funders, supporters, grantees and collaborators for helping lead the way as champions of health equity for all.
All my best,
Nancy BrownChief Executive OfficerAmerican Heart Association
From the Voices for Healthy Kids Executive Director Lori Fresina
This past year, Voices for Healthy Kids reimagined our purpose. We pushed ourselves to think about more ways we could create and support opportunities for all children to thrive by putting our powerful institutional tools and assets directly into the hands of the communities most impacted by structural racism. We hope that anyone who collaborates with Voices for Healthy Kids as a grantee, trainee, community-based organization, or leadership volunteer leaves this experience more prepared to successfully advocate for any issue they deem important while prioritizing equity.
We’ve challenged ourselves to provide the greatest value possible — and that has changed how we approach grantmaking, policy development, campaign support, leadership development, and more. None of this reimagination was done in isolation. We are becoming better and more active listeners, seeking and accepting input with humility, curiosity, and openness.
Our Strategic Advisory Committee remains a driving force behind the scenes, propelling our equity work and impacting our policies, practices, and culture. We expanded the committee to include more community perspectives and past and current grantees, bringing important local voices into the room as thought partners. We also welcomed a new committee chair, Donna Arnett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., B.S.N., dean of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health and past president of the American Heart Association.
We added equity-focused experts to our Policy Research Network to help us become more anti-racist in our policy agenda. We centered equity in our grantmaking process, and awarded 57 grants in FY 2020 - 2021.
We pulled out all the stops to provide grantees and other organizations with the best, most relevant assistance and resources possible. Early in the pandemic, we launched an online, accessible training series that builds and cultivates advocates’ skills to extend beyond a single campaign or policy conversation. We trained hundreds of people in storytelling, communicating with decision-makers, and digital advocacy.
We are grateful for the ongoing support of the American Heart Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and thank our new funders, including the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and The Pritzker Children's Initiative.
And, of course, we are thankful for our entire Voices for Healthy Kids network — our grantees, national collaborators, community-based organizations, researchers, and more — as each of you plays a unique and critical role in creating equitable neighborhoods nationwide.
With respect and gratitude,
Lori FresinaExecutive DirectorVoices for Healthy Kids
By The Numbers, 2013-2021
Increasing Impact
294policy successes (as of 8/1/21)
273 millionpeople affected by Voices for Healthy Kids policy wins* **Represents population of states and/or communities impacted by policies passed. Policies must meet American Heart Association’s guidelines, which are based on science and potential population impact (as of 8/1/21).
50%increased chance of passing a state policy with Voices for Healthy Kids support* * Bleich, Sara N, et al. The Voices for Healthy Kids Campaign and US State Legislation to Prevent Childhood Obesity. American Journal of Public Health: March 2016, Vol. 106, No. 3: 436-439.
$4.2 billionsecured in appropriations to support mission-related programs and services that address the root causes of childhood obesity and health inequities (since the start of the initiative)
Building A Movement
260campaigns funded (as of 8/1/21)
27organizations in the Strategic Advisory Committee aligning with policy priorities and centering health equity (2021 committee)
144organizations participating in Voices for Healthy Kids’ advisory committees, work groups and other collaborations (as of 8/1/21)
79,148online grassroots advocates (as of 8/1/21)
Training and Resources
21advocacy toolkits created
19national message research projects
5,875requests for skills building, planning and consultation (technical assistance)
Policy Wins Across the U.S.
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$30 million in additional funding to support quality childcare across Alabama.
American Heart Association – Alabama
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022
Alabama appropriated $17.8 million to incentivize childcare providers to increase their quality rating scores.
The Women's Fund of Greater Birmingham
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated multiple bills that would have stripped authority from local county health departments during a public health threat and the COVID-19 pandemic.
American Heart Association – Alabama
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015
Alabama Board of Education adopted statewide nutrition standards for competitive foods sold in schools
American Heart Association – Alabama
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2021
A campaign aimed at identifying barriers to participation in school meals, P-EBT, WIC, & SNAP in immigrant, Latinx, low-income, & Black communities and growing the membership & developing the advocacy capacity of the Hunger Free Alabama coalition.
Alabama Arise
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021 to 2022
The Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham and partners are working to secure state investment to put quality child care in reach for working families.
Women's Foundation of Alabama
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2021
Support for the Women's Policy Institute that focuses on women-centered public policy change to bridge the gap between the legislative process and Alabama’s diverse communities.
Women's Foundation of Alabama
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2021
This regional campaign seeks to increase water access in schools at the state and/or local level in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
AHA Tennessee
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
This campaign will address and reduce barriers to participation in SNAP and free/reduced school meal programs by low-income families and children.
Alabama Arise
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017 to 2019
Campaign by Voices for Alabama’s Children’s campaign to improve health through the improvement of quality of child care.
Southern Institute for Public Life
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2016 to 2018
Goal is to establish statewide nutrition, physical activity and screen time standards for all licensed early childcare providers throughout Alabama.
VOICES for Alabama's Children
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2016
Campaign for a sugary drink tax campaign in Alabama.
AHA Alabama
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Secure state appropriation of $5 million to support implementation of a statewide HFFI campaign for supermarket and healthy food retail development in underserved communities in Alabama
VOICES for Alabama's Children
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
SA campaign to secure state appropriation of $5 million to support implementation of a statewide HFFI campaign for supermarket and healthy food retail development in underserved communities in Alabama
VOICES for Alabama's Children
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2015
Campaign to support a sugary drink tax.
AHA Alabama
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
Goal is to secure state appropriation of $5 million to support implementation of a statewide HFFI campaign for supermarket and healthy food retail development in underserved communities in Alabama
VOICES for Alabama's Children
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$7.5 million secured in state budget to increase wages for childcare workers to help stabilize childcare operations in Alaska.
American Heart Association - Alaska
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$1.5 million secured in the state budget to provide additional funds to Head Start Programs in Alaska.
American Heart Association - Alaska
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Alaska passed HB 168 allowing online applications for SNAP benefits.
American Heart Association - Alaska
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Alaska approved $500,000 to fund Double Bucks for SNAP and WIC recipients to spend at farmers markets, as well as additional funding for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program.
American Heart Association - Alaska
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2021
A campaign to support a proposed ordinance to raise the tax on sugary drinks in the Bethel City Council.
AHA Alaska
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2018
Alaska Trails seeks to codify the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program in Alaska state law and secure Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) allocations for both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects for SRTS.
Alaska Trails
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Successful campaign to defeat harmful preemption legislation backed by the tobacco industry to prevent local efforts on tobacco control.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
Tolleson School District passed a water access policy increasing access to no-cost, clean water, ultimately improving their environment, helping lead to better health outcomes, and ground softening for larger districts to follow suit.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Multiple groups joined together during the 2020 legislative session to stop almost 20 preemptive bills put forth by the Arizona legislature.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
Voters in Mesa approved the Mesa Moves bond program, which will help fund regional roadway improvements, projects to reconstruct arterial roads across the city, and active transportation like biking and walking.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
A special appropriation of $500,000 for SNAP incentives was included in the Arizona COVID-19 pandemic response budget to ensure increased access to fruits and vegetables.
Pinnacle Prevention
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
Tuscan AZ City Council unanimously adopted a Complete Streets ordinance that prioritizes equity and will improve transportation options within the community for all people.
Living Streets Alliance
Preemption Efforts - 2019
An Arizona bill that would have preempted local control of tobacco work and undone all previous tobacco control policies at the local level was stopped.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
In Tucson, AZ, approved a ballot measure that will create a pool of $67.1 million through the sale of bonds to implement connectivity projects in the city.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
Voters passed a tax ballot measure expected to generate $16.7 billion over the life of the tax, with a significant portion being spent on walking and biking infrastructure.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014
Arizona SB 1336 passed nearly unanimously, helping schools unlock the gates and open up their facilities to the community for either leased or uncompensated use of public school grounds.
American Heart Association – Arizona
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2024
Campaign to ensure the integration of efforts amongst community organizations seeking to accomplish the abolishment of preemption laws that harm our community.
Fuerte Arts Movement
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022 to 2024
Campaign to advance the "Campaign for Quality and Equitable Preschool" policy campaign to secure $45 million from the state to improve quality, increase equitable access to quality slots, and enhance wages for child care staff.
Children's Action Alliance
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2021
A campaign aiming to pass and secure at least $1 million in multi-year funding appropriations to expand the SNAP fruit and vegetable incentive program, increasing access to healthy food for food-insecure Arizonians.
Pinnacle Prevention
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
The Let’s Grow AZ campaign aims to pass and secure at least $1 million in annual multi-year funding appropriations to expand the SNAP fruit and vegetable incentive program in Arizona by May 31, 2020.
Pinnacle Prevention
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2021
A campaign is to educate local Arizona communities about the negative impacts of preemption and prepare them to repeal and defeat preemption that impacts local health policy.
AHA Arizona
Preemption Efforts - 2018 to 2018
Campaign to defeat a preemption bill aimed specifically at limiting the ability of local municipalities across Arizona from enacting a Sugary Drink tax and requires that all food items be taxed at the same rate.
AHA Arizona
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
A campaign to establish public-private state funding dedicated to fruit and vegetable match incentives for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients for redemption towards Arizona-grown fruits and vegetable
Pinnacle Prevention
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2019
The campaign aims to have the Mayor and City Council adopt a binding Complete Streets (CS) policy for the City of Tucson, while the process leading to its adoption builds capacity and co-powerment within the communities most impacted by poor street networks – low-income communities of color.
Living Streets Alliance (LSA)
Policy Wins
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
The Arkansas Legislative Committee authorized a request from the Arkansas Department of Human Services to allocate $1.8 million in CARES Act funds to go to Statewide Critical Direct Feeding Services for Children, Elderly, and Families
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020
The Little Rock School District was the first district in the nation to adopt a water access policy requiring all new construction and major renovation projects in schools to include water bottle filling stations.
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020
The North Little Rock School District added a water bottle filling station requirement to its district wellness policy, requiring filling stations for any new construction or school renovation.
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Rogers, AR, mayor issued an executive order requiring all city vending machines to comply with nutrition guidelines to ensure that healthier food and beverage options are available on local public property.
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Little Rock, AR, city manager signed a healthy vending policy for all vending machines located in buildings and on property owned by the city.
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Fayetteville, AR, mayor signed an executive order requiring all vending machines on city property to comply with GSA/HHS nutrition standards and that all vending machines provide calorie labeling.
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Springdale, AR, adopted nutrition standards for vending machines on city owned and leased property.
American Heart Association – Arkansas
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2024
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, will strengthen their cross-issue coalition in preparation for the 2023 legislative session by building the public will through education and outreach to repeal a recent environmental preemption.
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2023
A campaign to increase SNAP incentive funding during the 2023 legislative session, tapping into the states estimated $300 million dollar budget surplus.
AHA Arkansas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2022
The Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, working with others, is supporting a campaign to build awareness of the benefits of healthy school meals for students & build support for federal & state-based policy solutions to food & nutrition insecurity.
Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2021
Campaign to lead a statewide water access in school campaign ensuring that students are allowed to carry water bottles and that water filling stations will be included in new school buildings and in major school renovations.
AHA Arkansas
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2022
A campaign working on relationship and trust building between advocate groups working on and across Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Care Tax (CTC) and Tobacco Tax to build a more integrated advocate community for greater long-term success.
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$1.4 billion in funding (over two years) was secured to supplement reimbursement rates for all childcare providers in the state improving access.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
California more than doubled the appropriations for the CA Nutrition Incentive program in the 2021-2022 budget with $20 million of new funding.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
Oceanside Unified School District passed legislation that all newly constructed public-school buildings and schools undergoing major renovations must be equipped with bottle filling stations
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Successful campaign for local investment in SNAP Incentive and Produce Prescription programs
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
California became the first state in the nation to permanently adopt free school meals for all K–12 students.
California Association of Food Banks and the Center for Ecoliteracy
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
California's Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved $2 million in discretionary funds from redirected federal American Rescue Plan dollars to go toward SNAP incentives, Los Angeles' Market Match program.
Hunger Action LA
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
Oceanside Unified School District updated their School District Wellness Policy to improve water access.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
San Diego County Board Members unanimously approved $2 million in funding for SNAP incentives and $1 million in funding for produce prescriptions
American Heart Association – California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
The San Jose City Council unanimously approved $6.78 million in funding for active transportation infrastructure improvements.
California Walks
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Los Angeles City Council allocated over $100 million to make streets accessible for everyone: $34.6 million for Vision Zero, $30.9 million for Complete Streets and $38.7 million for bike and pedestrian projects.
Investing in Place
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2019
California allocated over $142 million over four years to increase access to and provide support for Head Start and Early Head Start programs.
California Head Start Association
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The San Francisco fiscal year 18-19 budget included over $1 million in funding for Healthy Food Vouchers.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The city council in Daly City, CA, unanimously approved a new policy requiring the default beverage offered with kids’ meals to be water, milk or non-dairy milk-alternative
Public Health Advocates
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
California passed legislation requiring the default beverage offered with restaurant kids’ meals to be water or milk.
Public Health Advocates
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The 2018-2019 California State Budget included $9 million in funding for the CalFresh Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot program to help low-income residents purchase and consume more California-grown produce.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Perris, CA, City Council passed an ordinance making water, milk and 100% juice the default drinks served with children’s meals in restaurants.
Public Health Advocates
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Cathedral City, CA, city council passed an ordinance requiring healthy beverages to be the default option in restaurant kids’ meals.
Public Health Advocates
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Long Beach, CA, city budget was approved, including $10 million dollars for bike and pedestrian safety improvements throughout the city. Funds were available thanks to successful ballot measures that provided the necessary transportation dollars.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017
California AB 841 restricts junk food marketing in all California schools during the school day.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Santa Clara County, CA, Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance prohibiting restaurants from offering drinks other than water or milk in combination with a kids’ meals.
Public Health Advocates
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The City of Los Angeles approved the 2018 budget, including $27 million to support the Vision Zero initiative, an effort to eliminate pedestrian traffic deaths by creating safer active transportation infrastructure
Investing in Place & L.A. County Bicycle Coalition
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Long Beach, CA, City Council unanimously passed the Kids First Choice policy, removing sugary drinks from restaurant kids’ meals.
Public Health Advocates
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Oakland, CA, voters approved a one-cent per ounce tax on sugary drinks.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Albany, CA, voters passed a one-cent per ounce tax on sugary drinks.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Stockton, CA, City Council unanimously passed an ordinance requiring the default beverage offered with kids’ meals to be water, milk or non-dairy milk-alternative.
Public Health Advocates
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Santa Clara County, CA, voters approved Measure B, a 0.5% sales tax, with $250 million of the money generated by the tax dedicated to improving walking and biking infrastructure.
American Heart Association – California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Los Angeles County, CA, voters passed Measure M, a 0.5% sales tax and 0.5% traffic relief tax, which will funnel an estimated $25 billion into active transportation projects over the coming years.
Yes on Measure M & Investing in Place
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016
California adopted a smart snacks competitive foods policy, ensuring that 6,314,700 students have access to healthier snacks in schools.
American Heart Association – California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Stanislaus County, CA, voters passed Measure L, a 0.5 cent sales tax, estimated to generate $960 million dollars over 25 years for local transportation investments.
American Heart Association – California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Monterey County, CA, voters approve Measure X, a sales tax increase, which will provide $20 million for pedestrian and bike improvements, $20 million for Safe Routes to Schools programs and $360 million to local road maintenance and safety over 30 years.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
San Francisco, CA, voters passed a one-cent per ounce tax on sugary drinks.
American Heart Association – California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
California AB 1613, an amendment to the 2016 budget, redirected $900 million in cap-and-trade funds to greenhouse gas reduction efforts, including $10 million in new funding for the Active Transportation Program.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016
California secured $9.5 million for water filtration systems for schools in low income neighborhoods and $500,000 for technical assistance to those schools.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
San Francisco, CA, adopted a new ordinance that improves the nutritional quality of foods and beverages in vending machines on city and county-owned properties.
American Heart Association – California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015
Local ballot initiative passing a sugary drink tax and earmarking dollars to improved community wellness in Berkeley, CA
American Heart Association – California
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2022
Hunger Action LA is leading community members and organizations in a campaign to win permanent LA County funding for SNAP incentives.
Hunger Action Los Angeles
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2023
In-Advance is working to hold Oakland City Council accountable to the vision of the 2016 Soda Tax - specifically, the promise to meaningfully intervene on the disparities linked to soda consumption through investing the tax revenue.
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022 to 2022
A community-led campaign to win voter approval in November 2022 for the Safe, Affordable, Quality Child Care Act, a parcel tax measure to provide dedicated, locally controlled funding to increase access to child care and early learning opportunities.
Care for Monterey County Kids - Yes on Measure Q
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2023
Wholesome Wave is working with partners to ensure funding for healthy fruit & vegetable prescriptions is included in the CA state budget, helping to increase access to healthy foods in a state with nearly 8 million people facing food insecurity.
Wholesome Wave
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2021
California Association of Food Banks (CAFB), in partnership with many others, conducted extensive advocacy, lobbying, and public awareness campaigns resulting in the passage of healthy school meals for all students in California.
California Association of Food Banks
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2021
Campaign to advance majority-vote legislation to end the preemption of local sugary drink taxes to significantly improve public health in the most highly populated and diverse state in the country.
AHA California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
Long-term campaign for CA to cover the cost of a wide variety of food and nutrition interventions– like fruit and vegetable prescriptions, vouchers, and medically-tailored meals – with funding from the state’s public insurance programs.
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to lift the preemption of local sugary drink excise taxes in California.
AHA California
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2022
A campaign to work to ensure Los Angeles County institutes a permanent funding source for SNAP incentive programs that match the value of SNAP/CalFresh benefits used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at markets.
Hunger Action Los Angeles
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to persuade school districts to provide school meals over the summer break, when healthy food for children is usually scarce but is particularly essential this summer given financial & other hardships stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cultiva La Salud
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019 to 2020
The campaign aims to build community and organizational capacity to create long-lasting, committed local funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the City of El Monte.
ActiveSGV, a Project of Community Partners
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019 to 2021
This campaign will secure a permanent, dedicated Complete Streets Fund in the City of San Jose budget, including an initial annual allocation of $50 million in the 2020-2021 budget.
California Walks
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2019
Campaign to win Complete Streets policies mandating community involvement and default inclusion of active transportation elements on state and regional transportation funding sources in California.
California Bicycle Coalition Education Fund
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2019
The campaign will secure 10,000,000 annually for Early Head Start facilities, integrate Head Start and Early Head Start in the state's Preschool Development Grant, and raise awareness among eligible families of Early Head Start opportunities.
California Head Start Association
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2019
A campaign to secure state resources to support the service of healthy meals in child care.
California Food Policy Advocates
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to educate and advocate among Sacramento policymakers implementation of California Department of Transportation’s Complete Streets Policy
California Bicycle Coalition Education Fund
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2019
LAFPC aims to improve the health of residents and children in Los Angeles by encouraging the County Board of Supervisors to adopt a comprehensive healthy food procurement policy.
Los Angeles Food Policy Council
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2018
A campaign is to secure a Los Angeles County Transportation Sales tax allocation of 10% of funding to active transportation.
Investing in Place
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2018
The expansion of the health and wellness advocacy activities of ICS to include in-school access to clean drinking water in Eastside of Los Angeles schools and other high-need communities.
InnerCity Struggle
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2017
A campaign to secure a Los Angeles County Transportation Sales tax allocation of 10% of funding to active transportation.
Investing in Place
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2018
An advocacy campaign that would dedicate a percentage of Measure M local return dollars to active transportation projects in LA County.
Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to work on Kid’s Meals in 8 cities: (Chula Vista, Compton, Daly City, Hawthorne, Long Beach, Perris, Riverside, Stockton (passed).
Public Health Advocates
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017 to 2018
A policy change campaign to incorporate AHA/VFHK nutrition, active play, and screen time standards in family child care settings in California.
AHA California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to secure a Los Angeles County Transportation Sales tax allocation of 10% of funding to active transportation.
Investing in Place
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Campaign to encourage adoption of organizational policies and practices that limit serving sugary drinks and promote serving water and other healthful beverages.
Healthy Black Families, Inc
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2017
Policy change campaign at the city council level to decrease sugary drinks in all restaurant children's meals in five cities in California.
Public Health Advocates
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2017
The campaign is focused on the passage of a tax of at least 1 cent per ounce on sugary drinks and ensure that a portion of the revenues raised will be dedicated to obesity prevention and control
AHA California
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2014
A campaign in California to mandate to turn over of unclaimed bikes for underserved youth programs plus appropriation for bike and safety training; funding for the built environment from the transportation authority.
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2013
A campaign to protect Safe Routes to School funding in California.
Bikes Belong Foundation (BBF)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2013 to 2013
Passage of beverage policy in Los Angeles that removes soda and other SSBs in more than 240 parks and 73 libraries.
Public Health Advocates
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
A successful ballot initiative to provide no-cost, healthy school meals for all public school students in Colorado.
Hunger Free Colorado and American Heart Association – Colorado
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
The Golden City Council voted unanimously to approve a healthy kids meals ordinance that makes healthy beverage options the default on kids meals menus in restaurants throughout the city.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Longmont, Co passed a legislation that requires all restaurants to sell children's meals with default beverages of water, dairy milk, or non-dairy milk with no added sugar.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021
Innovative and community-based campaign to increase access and support to childcare in Colorado.
Small Business Majority
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Successful campaign to increase SNAP incentive appropriations to increase access to healthy food.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Preemption Efforts - 2019
A preemption law in Colorado was repealed, giving local governments more power to tax and regulate tobacco products.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2019
The Colorado legislature approved $1.1 million in physical education appropriations, prioritizing funding for high-need schools and districts.
Healthier Colorado
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The Denver, CO, 2019 budget included $15 million for citywide bike and pedestrian infrastructure improvements.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Denver, CO, voters voted yes on the Denver GO Bond, securing more than $115 million for walking and biking infrastructure, including $30 million just for sidewalk improvements.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Lafayette, CO, City Council approved an ordinance requiring the default beverage offered with kids’ meals to be water, milk or non-dairy milk-alternative.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2016
Colorado adopted updated early care and education rules for childcare centers, improving nutrition and physical activity requirements and limiting screen time.
The Fund for a Healthier Colorado
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Boulder, CO, voters voted “yes” on measure 2H, a two-cent per ounce tax on sugary drinks.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
Denver, CO secured $7.1 million for bicycle and pedestrian projects, a $1 million increase from previous years’ budget allocations.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015
Colorado adopted a competitive foods statewide policy to ensure the nutritional quality of foods in schools.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
The Colorado Transportation Commission allocated $2.5 million annually, starting in fiscal year 2016, to fund the Safe Routes to School Program that was created through legislation in 2014.
American Heart Association – Colorado
Funded Campaigns
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023 to 2023
A campaign to support the passage of a state ballot initiative allowing the increased tobacco tax revenue to be used to further enhance early childhood education in Colorado.
Preschool for All Coloradans
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2023
Hunger Free CO & partners are working to ensure school districts in CO provide no-cost healthy school meals to all students while working to allow more local sourcing, create parent & youth advisory committees, & boost wages for cafeteria workers.
Hunger Free Colorado
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
We seek to expand the definition of Emergency Medicaid to include COVID-19, increasing access to many lawfully present immigrants, people w/ temporary protected status, people who have had green cards for less than 5 years & undocumented immigrants.
Center for Health Progress
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2021
A campaign to increase access to early childcare and education, specifically for families with low-income and households that include undocumented individuals.
Small Business Majority Foundation Inc.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2019 to 2019
The Fund for a Healthier Colorado is seeking rapid response funding for a Comprehensive Physical Education Instruction bill that aims to provide financial assistance to schools to implement the model physical education (PE) policy across Colorado.
The Fund for a Healthier Colorado
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2021
A campaign to ensure passage and implementation of statewide early care ad education nutrition, physical activity, sugary drink, and screen time standards in Kentucky
AHA Colorado
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2019
Campaign to support the adoption of a robust Complete Streets Policy that requires all road construction and reconstruction create complete streets that are safe and convenient for all users and all modes of transportation.
Denver Streets Partnership
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2019
Campaign in support of ballot initiative to increase sales tax to fund transportation infrastructure throughout the state.
LiveWell Colorado DBA Nourish Colorado
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
The “Serve Kids Better: Denver” campaign will ensure that restaurant kids’ meals are healthier by removing sugary drinks from Denver restaurant kids’ meals.
Denver Health Foundation
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2019
An advocacy campaign to ensure that water is no-coat, clean and accessible in Denver Public Schools (DPS).
Stapleton Foundation DBA Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2016
Campaign support for a sugary drink tax effort in Boulder, CO.
AHA Colorado
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to establish statewide nutrition, physical activity, and screen time standards for early childcare providers.
The Fund for a Healthier Colorado
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$3.5 million in ARPA funds were appropriated to increase access to affordable childcare by New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker.
American Heart Association – Connecticut
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$35 million was appropriated for Care4Kids, a program that is part of the CT Office of Early Childhood and helps low to moderate income families pay for childcare costs.
American Heart Association – Connecticut
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
A successful campaign to place water bottle filling station in schools in CT increasing access to healthy hydration.
American Heart Association – Connecticut
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
Connecticut authorized bonds for construction of walkways and bikeways ultimately securing $9.8 million to build active transportation infrastructure.
American Heart Association – Connecticut
Funded Campaigns
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017 to 2017
Campaign with the goal of Incorporate nutrition, active play, and screen time standards into state child care licensing structure in CT.
AHA Connecticut
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to pass statewide legislation that eliminates marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages in schools in Connecticut
AHA Connecticut
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2015
The goal of this campaign is to pass statewide legislation to create a penny per ounce tax on sugary drinks
AHA Connecticut
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Success in securing over $12 million so more 3-and-4-year-olds can have access to Head Start programs in Delaware.
American Heart Association – Delaware
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$10.347 million in public funding was appropriated to provide wage increases to childcare workers and to address workforce shortages and workforce retention issues.
American Heart Association – Delaware
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022
Delaware increased funding by $66,581,900 for the Purchase of Care Program, which provides access to childcare for vulnerable populations, and to address childcare workforce shortages and workforce re
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
The Delaware legislature approved over $15 million in bike and pedestrian appropriations as part of the 2021 Capital Improvements Act.
American Heart Association – Delaware
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
House Bill 79 was passed by the Delaware legislature, requiring healthy drink options as the default beverages in all kids’ restaurant meals.
American Heart Association – Delaware
Funded Campaigns
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021 to 2022
Rodel, and its partners are leading a policy campaign to raise childcare subsidy reimbursement rates to improve access, quality, and long-term health outcomes, especially for families from low-income backgrounds and children of color.
Policy Wins
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Give SNAP a Raise policy passed in DC that provides a 10% monthly bonus to District SNAP recipients to help them stretch their food budget and access more healthy food.
American Heart Association - District of Columbia
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
The District of Columbia doubled appropriations for the Produce Rx program to $500,000, enabling more under-resourced residents, mostly in Wards 7 and 8, to better access fruits and vegetables.
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
The District of Columbia Council Committee on Health recommended doubling $500,000 for the Produce Rx program
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014
Washington, DC, enacted a procurement policy that creates a framework for worksite wellness in the District, including adopting AHA’s Fit Friendly Worksite recommendations and creating nutrition standards aligned with the Federal General Service Guidelines for foods and beverages available in vending machines and served in city facilities in the District of Columbia.
American Heart Association – Washington, DC
Funded Campaigns
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2021
Campaign for a local sugary drink tax, intended to reduce sugar consumption and create revenue to invest in health equity programs.
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
A grant for critical grassroots support to DC's sugary drink tax campaign at a moment when the ABA is investing heavily in astroturf tactics.
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2019
A campaign to rewrite the playbook on sugar drink tax efforts, led by authentic community leaders, this effort will reframe the conversation away from "a regressive tax" a towards a black-led effort to stop industry from profiting off of sickness.
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2021
Campaign to empower community members to play leadership roles in advocacy efforts for securing and improving the Produce Plus program, as well as its linkages to SNAP.
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Policy goal is to empower low-income community members to play leadership roles in advocacy efforts for securing and improving the Produce Plus program, as well as its linkages to SNAP.
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Policy goal is to empower low-income community members to play leadership roles in advocacy efforts for securing and improving the Produce Plus program, as well as its linkages to SNAP
DC Greens
District of Columbia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014 to 2016
A campaign to pass the Shared Use of School Property Act in DC and secure appropriations for reporting and implementation of shared use programs as well as incentives.
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Florida advocates responded to multiple preemptive policies during the 2020 session, effectively stopping the passage of new preemption bills and paving the way for future preemption repeal.
Florida Rising Together
Preemption Efforts - 2019
Florida advocates successfully stopped multiple attempts to pass tobacco preemption in the state legislature.
American Heart Association – Florida
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Pinellas County, FL, voters voted to renew an existing 1% sales tax that generates money for capital improvements, including an estimated $412 million over ten years for transportation projects.
American Heart Association – Florida
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
St. Petersburg, FL, mayor signed an administrative healthy vending policy to improve foods available in all city owned and operated facilities.
American Heart Association – Florida
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014
Florida adopted a competitive food rule in July 2014 and is working to implement the federal standards by ensuring their schools have the necessary resources and technical assistance needed for success. Florida AHA worked directly with schools to implement the new standards.
American Heart Association – Florida
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2023
Sustain, manage, and expand the Defenders of Local Democracy coalition table to devise strategies to sustain and defend local democracy and strengthen the voice of organizations that serve members impacted by preemptive state mandates.
Florida Rising Together (Statewide Alignment Group)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2023
A campaign to work with youth of color ages 12-17 and local restaurants from food insecure communities to advocate for the Healthy Restaurant Policy.
Urban Health Partnerships, Incorporated
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2023
Florida Impact and its partners are launching a statewide policy campaign to expand the reach of Fresh Access Bucks to include additional retailers and increase the purchasing power for SNAP recipients in Florida.
Florida Impact to End Hunger
Preemption Efforts - 2022 to 2022
Florida Rising Together will continue to strengthen local policies that protect and positively impact the health and well-being of children and families by working on cross-coalition building and advocacy efforts on to defend and repeal preemption.
Florida Rising Together (Statewide Alignment Group)
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2021
Campaign working to stabilize immigrant and other vulnerable families by advocating for policies that provide a larger safety net that includes the rights and needs of immigrant families, specifically the expansion of Medicaid.
Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc.
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2019
We are working to defeat an immediate preemption threat in Florida that would stifle our ability to change policy locally on issue like T21, tobacco tax, and sugary beverage tax.
AHA Florida
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2021
A campaign to expand that work in the legislature along with our local campaigns to fight the abuse of preemption.
Florida Rising Together (Statewide Alignment Group)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Secure state appropriation of at least $5 million to support a statewide Healthy Food Financing Initiative for supermarket and healthy food retail development in underserved Florida communities.
AHA Florida
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to secure state appropriation of at least $5 million to support a statewide Healthy Food Financing Initiative for supermarket and healthy food retail development in underserved Florida communities.
AHA Florida
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
A community-driven campaign that resulted in the City of Atlanta funding $500k to support a SNAP incentive program, increasing access to fresh, healthy, locally grown food.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022
Athens County, Ga., passed a complete streets policy ensuring safety for all users of sidewalks, bike lanes and crosswalks.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2021
Atlanta approved a tax district that will fund a trail system to provide a safe space for walking, biking, and other physical activity.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Fulton County, Georgia made an administrative rule for the first time to fund Wholesome Wave Georgia to expand the SNAP Healthy Incentive program from ARPA funding to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2021
Augusta passed a referendum that provides at least $25 million specifically toward bike and pedestrian funding projects.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
Atlanta allocated over $1.4 million in transportation funding to support the Huff Road Complete Streets Project to bring equitable walking and biking to an underserved area of the city.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Preemption Efforts - 2019
Georgia advocates defeated legislation that would have prevented local governments from enacting or enforcing comprehensive smoke-free ordinances.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
Atlanta, GA, enacted a new Complete Streets policy, which will help shift more people from driving to other modes of transportation, expanding transportation options for all people.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Savannah City Council passed a resolution implementing healthy vending and healthy food service policies, ensuring that the 2,600 city employees, as well as visitors to city property, have access to healthier foods and beverages.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Atlanta, GA, voters approved a five-year increase in sales tax to generate $380 million to fund active transportation projects throughout the city.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015
Georgia Department of Education adopted a statewide nutrition policy to ensure healthier competitive foods are available in schools.
American Heart Association – Georgia
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2024
The campaign aims to build coalition infrastructure and an organized constituency that can defend against inequitable state preemption policies that harm the health and well-being of Georgia residents.
Georgians for a Healthy Future
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2022
A campaign to empower the Atlanta community living in low-income/low-access areas to identify barriers and solutions to SNAP enrollment, access to healthy produce within their community, and utilization of benefits.
AHA Georgia
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021 to 2023
Voices for Georgia’s Children & partners will elevate community voices & leverage the longstanding relationship with the Georgia Department of Early Care & Learning to advocate for equitable, meaningful nutrition & physical activity measures.
Voices for Georgia's Children
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2022
A project working to convince school officials to pass policies to install water bottle filling stations with filters to remove lead to ensure kids’ access to safe drinking water in 3 Black and Brown communities.
Environment American Research & Policy Center
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2022
Campaign to grow support for a state EITC among health care stakeholders, increase Georgia’s tobacco excise tax, and defend against state preemption laws that would hamper public health efforts.
Georgians for a Healthy Future
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to work with state agencies to alleviate food insecurity by expanding eligibility and addressing access barriers experienced by federal food and benefit program participants and eligible individuals.
Voices for Georgia's Children
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2018
The goal of this campaign is to launch statewide municipal and MPO-level adoption of complete street policies in 16 targeted communities representing 1M Georgians
Georgia Bikes
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
Healthy Savannah is advocating in support of public funding to increase the amount of healthy food being offered in underserved communities by seeking local policy change via the City Council and Metropolitan Planning Commission.
Healthy Savannah
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2016
The goal of this campaign is to launch statewide municipal and MPO-level adoption of complete street policies in 16 targeted communities representing 1M Georgians
Georgia Bikes
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2015
A campaign to ensure federal transportation dollars are prioritized for biking and walking projects and seek a commitment from Georgia Department of Transportation to use 15% of Georgia’s apportioned TAP funding for Safe Routes to School projects.
Georgia Bikes
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014 to 2014
A campaign to change the proposed 90-day exemption to USDA guidelines for on-campus food fundraising to zero and adoption of the USDA Smart Snacks guidelines as state policy.
AHA Georgia
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
After advocates acted, Hawaii SNAP participants will now have a Double Up Food Bucks (Da Bux) fruits and vegetables incentives program funded at $500,000 via state funding, with additional private funding pending.
Hawaii Appleseed
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The Hawaii Governor signed Senate Bill 549 into law, requiring restaurant kids’ meals to have healthy beverages as the default option starting January 2020.
American Heart Association – Hawaii
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The state legislature in Hawaii passed a $100,000 allocation ($50,000 per year for two years) for Double Up Food Bucks, making fresh, nutritious foods more affordable for people who can’t afford to shop at high-end grocery stores.
Hawai‘i Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2022
A campaign to lead policy and advocacy activities to reduce sugary drink consumption and decrease health disparities in Hawai'i.
Hawai‘i Public Health Institute
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to develop a local food procurement system within the state government that maximizes the purchasing power of food banks, institutional kitchens, and food hubs that serve marginalized communities during COVID-19.
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2020
Our SNAP Double Bucks campaign aims to secure state funding to enable SNAP recipients in Hawai'i to receive 2 dollars for every 1 dollar that they spend at farmers' markets in our state.
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
Campaign to support a sugary drink tax with funds raised to support health programs.
Hawaii Public Health Institute (formerly Healthy Communities Hawaii)
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Success in ensuring an investment of $15 million for Child Care Infrastructure Grants in FY 2024, increasing access to affordable, high-quality childcare, with focus on high-need communities across Idaho.
American Heart Association – Idaho
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Idaho
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Advocates successfully defended against preemptive language in the Idaho tobacco retail licensure bill.
American Heart Association – Idaho
Funded Campaigns
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019 to 2019
Campaign to ensure Idaho appropriates state-level funds for safe routes to schools.
Idaho Walk Bike Alliance
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2020
Campaign to build the support for a $1 million state investment in Head Start/Early Head Start in Idaho.
Idaho Head Start Association
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2019
The Idaho Complete Streets campaign will set the foundation for a campaign to adopt statewide policy or policies for complete streets, so that roads in Idaho are built and maintained to be safe and accessible for all users and transportation modes.
Idaho Smart Growth
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2018
Seeking funding support to ensure Idaho appropriates state-level funds safe routes to schools
Idaho Walk Bike Alliance
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2017
Campaign to build Safe Routes to School policy efforts in communities across Idaho
Idaho Smart Growth
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to ensure Idaho appropriates state-level funds to enhance federal appropriations by $2 to $3 million per year dedicated to safe routes to schools.
Idaho Walk Bike Alliance
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
A collaborative effort that secured $50 million in the FY24 budget, funding construction/renovation of early childhood facilities, increasing the number of childcare programs with priority in communities with the greatest underserved population.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
The FY24 Illinois budget included $5 million to expand home visiting programs called The Early Head Start Home-Based option, providing support for low-income pregnant people and families with children under 3.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Cook County, Ill., passed legislation that provides $4.5 million for nutrition security initiatives, including Veggie Rx, from the American Rescue Plan Act supplemental ordinance.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Illinois adopted policy that requires all restaurants in the state to make the default beverage choices of water, non-flavored sparkling water, and 100% apple juice.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Chicago allocated over $550,000 in CARES Act funding to support SNAP incentives, supporting both SNAP participants and local farmers markets.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Illinois included $500,000 in funding for SNAP incentives infrastructure in the 2020-2021 state budget.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
Legislators in Illinois passed a six-year transportation capital program that includes $50 million annually for bike and pedestrian projects.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
The Cook County, IL, County Board of Commissioners passed a one-cent per ounce tax on sweetened beverages.
American Heart Association - Illinois
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2019
A campaign to push passage of a state law requiring enhanced PE policies and practices including minimal minutes in class.
Illinois Public Health Institute (IAPO)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2019
Campaign to ensure that Chicago Public Schools (CPS) maintains its commitment to 150 minutes of PE per week in elementary grades and 225 minutes per week in middle grades.
Healthy Schools Campaign
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
CLOCC seeks to develop and implement an education and advocacy campaign to build city-wide support for comprehensive nutrition standards for restaurant meals marketed as “children’s meals.
Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to increase support of the blind vendors throughout the state on the demand for and return on investment of providing healthier items in vending machines.
Illinois Public Health Institute (IAPO)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2016
Campaign to get Illinois to adopt a law that provides at least an additional $4 million/year for SRTS; improve administrative procedures to make applying easier and give additional consideration and assistance for low‐income communities.
Active Transportation Alliance
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2015
The goal of this grant is to engage high school students in the Englewood and Back of the Yards neighborhoods in Chicago to increase bicycle infrastructure in these communities and expand & reform the Safe Routes to School Program in the state.
Slow Roll Chicago
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014 to 2015
The goal is for Illinois to adopt a law/budget that provides an additional $4 million/year for SRTS; improve administrative procedures and give additional consideration and assistance for communities with low-incomes.
Active Transportation Alliance
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2013 to 2015
A campaign to pass a one-cent-per-ounce excise tax on sugary drinks in Illinois with a significant portion of the revenue earmarked for obesity prevention efforts and Medicaid.
Illinois Public Health Institute (IAPO)
Policy Wins
Indian Country
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
The Navajo Nation Council voted to extend the Healthy Diné Nation Act (HDNA) of 2014, a tax on unhealthy items like: sugary drinks, candy, chips, etc.. A portion of revenue is allocated toward community wellness projects and clean water initiatives.
First Nations Development Institute
Indian Country
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014
Navajo Nation passed a 2% price increase on sugary beverages and non-nutritious food and eliminated the 5% sales tax on water, fruits, seeds, nuts and vegetables.
First Nations Development Institute
Funded Campaigns
Indian Country
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2021
Working to re-authorize the Healthy Dine' Nation Act of 2014, a 2% tax on sugary drinks & foods of little-to-no-nutritious value & waived the 6% sales tax on healthy foods, the first such law in the U.S. and any sovereign Tribal Nation worldwide.
Dine' Food Sovereignty Alliance
Indian Country
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2020
Support for a regranting program to Native-led organizations to work on food security and sovereignty issues.
First Nations Development Institute
Indian Country
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2014
A campaign to overturn a veto on the Healthy Dine Nation Act, that implements a sugary and junk food tax and reduces taxes on healthy food.
First Nations Development Institute
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Passage of law that reduces the barriers to nutritional assistance for some vulnerable populations, including extending the eligibility period and streamlining the application process for the elderly and those individuals with disabilities.
American Heart Association - Indiana
Active, Equitable Communities - 2021
Evansville, IN passed a complete streets policy making it easier for people to be physically active while getting around town.
American Heart Association - Indiana
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2024
This campaign will grow and develop the capacity of the Indiana Coalition for Human Services to take on preemption as a threat to healthy, equitable communities in cross-issue areas where it may arise, including health equity outcomes.
Indiana Coalition for Human Services
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2015
As part of a long term food access project, the focus will be to conduct surveys of Gary residents and businesses to establish baseline data regarding access and attitudes toward healthy eating and chronicle any changes
NAACP Gary Indiana
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
The Iowa Governor allocated $1 million in CARES Act funding to the Double Up Food Bucks program to increase SNAP participants’ purchasing power for fruits and vegetables.
American Heart Association – Iowa
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
The Des Moines City Council built upon the success of their complete streets policy by approving nearly $60 million in streets funding, including $13 million for bike and pedestrian projects.
American Heart Association – Iowa
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The City Council of Des Moines, IA, voted unanimously to adopt a revised Complete Streets policy to improve the transportation network for all users within the city, with a focus on equity, prioritizing areas that have seen historical underinvestment.
American Heart Association – Iowa
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
Iowa HB 570 unanimously passed the Senate and was signed by the governor to clarify liability allowing the use of municipal property for recreational activities.
American Heart Association – Iowa
Funded Campaigns
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2017
A campaign to create a Safe Routes to School Program in Iowa and secure for $1.5 for the program
AHA Iowa
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2015
A campaign to change state legislation to clarify liability rules for the use of school owned recreational facilities by other government and non-governmental entities for the purpose of physical activity.
AHA Iowa
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2014
A campaign to support state legislation to clarify liability rules for the use of school owned recreational facilities by other government and non-governmental entities for the purpose of physical activity
AHA Iowa
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Successful defeat or harmful preemption legislation that threatened the local policy efforts regarding nutrition, tobacco, etc.
Kansas Black Leadership Council and American Heart Association - Kansas
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association - Kansas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
Wyandotte County passed an equity-focused complete streets policy to make streets and sidewalks safer for walking, biking, and rolling.
American Heart Association - Kansas
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2023
Campaign to protect local control by influencing vote on fast-tracked preemption bill.
AHA Kansas
Preemption Efforts - 2022 to 2023
Campaign working to pass local ordinances intended to assure equal opportunity and prevent discrimination, and stopping state legislation limiting local government's ability to enact non-discrimination ordinances.
Kansas Black Leadership Council
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2023
Develop policy options to increase access to water bottle filling stations in K-12 schools and then target school districts with high rates of free or reduced lunch to introduce and pass the best practice policy at the school board level.
Oral Health Kansas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2021
This Youth Advocacy & Health Equity campaign includes support for the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act, food sales taxes, school ordinances regarding food programs, & SNAP work requirements, impacting a large number of Wyandotte County students.
Community Health Council of Wyandotte County
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2016
Campaign to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets receiving funding from food financing initiatives in underserved communities in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas and secure an appropriation of $2.5M for each.
Kansas City Healthy Kids
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021
Successful campaign to pass updated standards for licensed childcare centers on healthy foods, physical activity and screen time.
American Heart Association – Kentucky
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020
Kentucky established early care and education standards on nutrition, physical activity, screen time, and sugary beverages in licensed centers.
American Heart Association – Kentucky
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Louisville City Council updated the existing complete streets ordinance to focus more specifically on performance measures, transparency, accountability and equity to increase roadway safety and encourage active living.
Kentucky Youth Advocates
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2019
Water bottle filling stations are now required to be installed in all newly constructed schools and school modernization projects in Kentucky.
American Heart Association – Kentucky
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Louisville, KY, mayor signed an executive order to increase healthier food and beverage offerings in vending machines on city property.
American Heart Association – Kentucky
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2023
Leading a statewide issue campaign aimed at improving the health of the most vulnerable Kentuckians, by increasing access to affordable, healthy, locally grown foods.
Community Farm Alliance
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2019 to 2020
AHA Kentucky
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2019
Kentucky Youth Advocates seeks support to lead a campaign to strengthen Metro Louisville’s Complete Streets ordinance to ensure transparency and public reporting, allow for public input, and prioritize equity.
Kentucky Youth Advocates
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to secure a victory in the Metro Council for eliminating sugar-sweetened beverages from restaurant kids' meals in Louisville Metro (Jefferson County merged government).
AHA Kentucky
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to establish healthy food and beverage vending and service standards for units of government in Louisville.
AHA Kentucky
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Louisiana allocated $889,000 to create or expand a market match SNAP program, doubling SNAP dollars available for spending at farmers markets.
Market Umbrella
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Louisiana
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
A successful campaign to increase access to healthy hydration buy ensuring water filling stations in schools in Louisiana.
American Heart Association – Louisiana
Active, Equitable Communities - 2021
New Orleans, La., passed a bond measure that dedicates bike and pedestrian funding to the city budget, focusing on communities with low to moderate incomes.
Bike Easy
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
New Orleans' city council passed a law that makes healthy beverage options the default for all kids meals.
American Heart Association – Louisiana
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
New Orleans passed a city ordinance requiring planning, designing, funding, operation, and maintenance of the city's transportation system
Bike Easy
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
Voters in Baton Rouge, LA, approved a sales tax that will generate approximately $170 million over 30 years to improve sidewalks, connectivity, safe biking and walking routes.
American Heart Association – Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Louisiana Governor signed Executive Order 17-15, requiring healthy vending for all state owned and leased properties, making Louisiana the first state in the country to meet all of AHA’s policy priorities for healthy vending.
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Jefferson Parish, LA, president signed an executive directive requiring both healthy vending and healthy food service on all Jefferson Parish public property.
American Heart Association – Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
New Orleans, LA, finalized a healthy food procurement vending and healthy food service procurement policy impacting over 5,500 city employees and 378,000 residents.
American Heart Association – Louisiana
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2024
As part of the EBR Advocacy Impact Pilot, this campaign will advocate for a Good Food Purchasing policy in EBR's K-12 school district, promoting locally sourced & healthy food being served directly to youth in at-risk areas.
Three O'clock Project
Pilot Project - 2022 to 2023
Working with Mayor, the Baton Rouge Planning Commission & other stakeholders to develop & execute a campaign to strengthen the East Baton Rouge City-Parish Complete Streets Policy to include stronger measures for equity, health, & accountability.
Center for Planning Excellence
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022 to 2022
Supporting efforts in New Orleans to pass a millage that would generate $21M annually to expand access to the City Seats program, a local high-quality early care and education (ECE) program for infants and toddlers in New Orleans.
Policy Institute for the Children of Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2024
BREADA, as part of the East Baton Rouge Advocacy Impact Pilot, will advocate for the expansion of WIC FMNP participation at farmers markets that supports WIC clients in purchasing fresh, local fruits and vegetables.
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021 to 2021
The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children will be exploring policy solutions to increase access to quality early care and education programs for children across the state.
Policy Institute for the Children of Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2022
Market Umbrella and partners will lead a campaign to increase the purchasing power of SNAP benefits for individuals and families with the highest need while supporting local food producers.
Market Umbrella
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
Together Louisiana seeks funding for a campaign to bring policy change that promotes health equity to the center of the COVID-19 response in Louisiana.
Together Louisiana
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2021
This regional campaign seeks to increase water access in schools at the state and/or local level in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
AHA Tennessee
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2020
A campaign to end state preemption of local minimum wage law.
Power Coalition
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2021
A campaign to support the passage and implementation of a Healthy Restaurant Kids’ Meal policy.
AHA Louisiana
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2018
Campaign to support – a half-cent sales tax to be dedicated to road improvements including bike lanes, cross walks, sidewalks, green spaces, etc.
AHA Louisiana
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2018
This campaign will build the communal, the organizational, the political, the institutional and public policy infrastructure necessary to address the issue of clean water within the schools and communities connected to the Jackson Public Schools.
Southern Institute for Public Life
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2019
A campaign seeking a revised Complete Streets Policy Memorandum--a binding policy that dictates the actions of the administrative branch of New Orleans city government, from the City of New Orleans Chief Administrative Office.
Bike Easy
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
Campaign to win a municipal healthy food financing initiative in Baton Rouge within the next 12 months, including start-up funding of $1.5 million in its first year.
Together Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
A campaign to secure local funding for a Fresh Food Finance Initiative in Jackson and Hinds County and laying the groundwork for a renewed state effort.
Southern Institute for Public Life
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2017
A campaign for exploratory work around the concept of sugary sweetened beverage taxes in the New Orleans market and across the state of Louisiana as a whole.
AHA Louisiana
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2018
Coordination of a coalition campaign that will lead to a Complete Streets policy, passed by the Parish Council, that will pave the way to improved health and economic equity for the children of Jefferson Parish.
Bike Easy
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2018
Seeking a revised Complete Streets Policy Memorandum--a binding policy that dictates the actions of the administrative branch of New Orleans city government, from the City of New Orleans Chief Administrative Office
Bike Easy
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Seek an appropriation of $30 million dollars to fund the Healthy Food Retail Act in Louisiana
Market Umbrella
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2016
The goal of this campaign is to update the current vending policy of the New Orleans Health Department to align with the three recommended food and beverage standards for units of government.
AHA Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
The goal of this campaign is to secure dedicated funding at the local level for a Fresh Food Financing Initiative in East Baton Rouge
Together Louisiana
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to seek an appropriation of $30 million dollars to fund the Healthy Food Retail Act in Louisiana
Market Umbrella
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2017
A campaign to pass a statewide bill that creates food and beverage vending machine standards within facilities operated by the Louisiana Office of State Buildings.
Tulane PRC
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
A campaign to seek an appropriation of $30 million dollars to fund the Healthy Food Retail Act in Louisiana
Market Umbrella
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Successful defeated a harmful preemption bill that threatened to severely impact ongoing local tobacco work in Maine, and would have potentially restricted sugary drink work as well.
American Heart Association - Maine
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
Maine passed LD221, which included a Meals for Students Fund, establishing a nonlapsing, dedicated fund for free breakfast and lunch at schools for all students.
American Heart Association - Maine
Funded Campaigns
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
Collaborative work to engage members of minority communities, new Mainers, and people with low income to create systemic change that will address the disproportionate barriers many face in accessing COVID -19 testing and treatment.
Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021
Successful campaign to secure significant public dollars for early head start, head start and early care and education.
American Heart Association – Maryland
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
The Montgomery County Council in Maryland approved nearly $30 million in funding for implementation of the 2018 Master Bike Plan, which will support active transportation and recreation.
American Heart Association – Maryland
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
The Howard County Council appropriated $5.3 million dollars for bike and pedestrian improvements, with a focus on ADA compliance.
American Heart Association – Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Prince George's County Council passed the Healthy Kids’ Meals bill (CB-071-2020), legislation that would curb the number of sugary drinks and unhealthy foods sold with restaurant kids’ meals.
The Horizon Foundation
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
Howard County included $1.45 million in its 2019 budget for biking projects.
American Heart Association – Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The County Executive of Baltimore County issued an executive order that improves the nutritional quality of foods and beverages in vending machines on county-owned properties.
Sugar-Free Kids MD/Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The Baltimore City Council passed an ordinance requiring the default beverage offered with kids’ meals to be water, milk, non-dairy milk-alternative or 100% juice.
Sugar-Free Kids MD/Horizon Foundation
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The Howard County Council approved $3 million in appropriations for biking and walking infrastructure products.
The Horizon Foundation
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
Baltimore, MD, passed the strongest Complete Streets policy in the country to date, with a major focus on equity.
Baltimore Complete Street Coalition
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Montgomery County, MD, County Council unanimously approved Bill 1-17, requiring healthy options in vending machines on county property.
The Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Prince George’s County, MD, County Council unanimously adopted a healthy vending policy to help ensure Prince George’s County’s over 900,000 residents have access to healthier options while on public property.
The Horizon Foundation
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Howard County, MD, County Council approved the fiscal year 2018 budget, which included a more than $3.5 million investment in active transportation infrastructure and improvements.
The Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015
Baltimore, MD, secured a long-term vending contract and procurement policy to ensure healthier choices on government properties.
The Horizon Foundation
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2014
The Maryland Senate passed bill 716, instructing the State Superintendent to adopt rules to improve nutrition standards and limit screen time in childcare centers.
The Horizon Foundation
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2022
NAACP Maryland State Conference, in collaboration with Black Veg Society and CASA, will pursue a Healthy Kids Meal policy campaign in Montgomery County. They will build on recent successful passage of a similar bill in Prince George’s County in 2021
NAACP Maryland State Conference
Preemption Efforts - 2022 to 2022
The goal is to fight preemption and pass legislation that returns authority to regulate the sale and enforcement of tobacco products to local governments and review other policies for possible repeal.
NAACP Maryland State Conference
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2022
A sugary drink tax and investment campaign in Baltimore City that will support the Baltimore City Equity Fund and other equity focused programs in Baltimore City.
Maryland Medical Society - MedChi
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2021
The NAACP is working to harness the power of 24 local branches and partners to pass legislation that would return authority to regulate the sale and enforcement of tobacco products to local governments and review other policies for possible repeal.
NAACP Maryland State Conference
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
A healthy kids meals campaign in Prince George's County, MD, which would establish both default beverages and food nutrition standards. If passed and implemented, this would be the most comprehensive kids meals policy in the country.
AHA Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2019
A campaign to support a sugary drink tax proposal in Montgomery County, MD, the state's largest county, with a population over 1 million. The revenue generated from the tax would support investments in universal Pre-K for the county.
AHA Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2019
A campaign is to increase access to local, fresh, and nutritious food for food-insecure communities, by lobbying and advocating for $500,000 per year for state matches to SNAP purchasing power at Maryland Farmers Markets.
Fair Farms Maryland
Preemption Efforts - 2018 to 2020
Establish a process to detect preemptive language, educate/engage the public about the dangers, create a state “local control” network, & recruit a cadre of state & local elected leaders willing to help prevent the enactment of a preemptive law.
Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2018
A three part campaign to pass a Kids Meals Bill in Baltimore City; pass Healthier Vending Options in Public Places in Baltimore County; and Healthier Vending Options in Public Places at the State Level in Maryland.
AHA Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
AHA, The Horizon Foundation and Sugar Free Kids Maryland will work to pass a sugary beverage tax in Montgomery County Maryland in the Fall of 2017.
AHA Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to support healthy vending and healthy kids’ meals policies.
Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2017
Campaigns to support a Healthier Vending Food Choices in Public Places; Removal of Sugary Beverages from Kid Meals campaign; and Healthier Vending Food Choices in Public Places.
AHA Maryland
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2017
An ongoing effort to support healthy vending and healthy kids’ meals campaigns in Maryland.
Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to pass kid's meals and healthy vending policies in Baltimore City, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County
Horizon Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
The campaign goals are to pass a state law that requires child cares centers to serve children healthier drinks and introduce and pass a statewide sugary drink excise tax.
Horizon Foundation
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022
Working with the Common Start coalition, successfully advocated for $16.5 million for Head Start programs, as well as millions of other dollars allocated to support other early care and education programs.
American Heart Association – Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Successfully advocates for $110 million appropriations for no-cost, healthy meals for all public school students.
Project Bread
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Successful advocated for $24 million in funding for the MA Healthy Incentive Program in the FY23 budget making the program sustainable year-round. MA is the state with the highest appropriations for SNAP incentives in the country.
Massachusetts Food System Collaborative
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Boston passed the 2021 operating budget and the FY 21-25 capital plan, allocating funding for safe, reliable, and accessible streets and spaces and $524,724 for the expansion of the Double Up Food Bucks program to increase access to healthy foods.
American Heart Association – Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
The Boston City Council approved over $500,000 in funding for SNAP incentives infrastructure as part of the fiscal year 2021 budget.
The Boston City Council included $14.3 million in the fiscal year 2021 budget to fund bike and pedestrian projects in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods.
American Heart Association – Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Massachusetts allocated $13 million for its Healthy Incentive Program, a SNAP incentive program that provides a one-to-one match for fresh and fruits and vegetables at farmers markets.
The Massachusetts’ Governor issued the 2020-2024 Capital Investment Plan, which includes $11.5 million per year for the Complete Streets Funding Program.
American Heart Association – Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The Massachusetts fiscal year 2020 budget includes $6.5 million in funding for the SNAP Healthy Incentive Program, which provides SNAP recipients with $1 back on their EBT cards for each dollar spent on eligible produce.
The Boston City Council voted unanimously to approve the 2020 budget and 2020-2024 capital budget, including $16.15 million in funding for bike and pedestrian infrastructure.
The Massachusetts fiscal year 2020 budget includes $6.5 million in funding for the SNAP Healthy Incentive Program, which provides SNAP recipients with $1 back on their EBT cards for each dollar spent on eligible produce.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation approved more than $110 million as part of the five-year capital investment plan to fund walking and biking projects throughout the state.
Massachusetts secured the release of $12.5 million in state revenue for the newly created complete streets certification program.
American Heart Association – Massachusetts
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2023
Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger, Inc., is leading the Feed Kids Campaign in Massachusetts, working to pass a School Meals for All act, making available free breakfast and lunch to all students and reducing the stigma around school lunch programs.
Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger, Inc.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2022
Project Bread is leading the Feed Kids coalition working to pass healthy school meals for all in Massachusetts. The bill will provide free school meals to all children and expand SNAP by requiring schools to engage in outreach activities.
Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger, Inc.
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
Advocating for short-term relief for welfare recipients to help them cope with the Covid 19 pandemic. The bill provides a one-time payment equal to one month’s benefit for 30,000 TAFDC recipients and 19,000 EAEDC recipients.
Coalition for Social Justice Ed Fund
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
A campaign to pass a tiered sugary drink tax as part of a large comprehensive health care bill in Massachusetts.
AHA Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2020
Seek adequate funding for the Massachusetts’ Healthy Incentives Program doubles SNAP purchases at farmstands, farmers markets, mobile markets, and CSAs to meet demand year-round, and to codify the program in statute.
MA Food System Collaborative
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2019
A campaign to support tax proposals in both the Senate and House that would put in place a tiered excise tax on sugary drinks.
AHA Massachusetts
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017 to 2018
Pursue a state level regulatory change to the Department of Early Education's (EEC) Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) standards
Massachusetts YMCAs Inc
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
The goal of this campaign is to secure $10 million in state funding dedicated to the Massachusetts Food Trust Program.
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to secure $10 million in state funding dedicated to the Massachusetts Food Trust Program through the release of authorized bond funding.
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2016 to 2017
Pursue a state level regulatory change to the Department of Early Education's (EEC) Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) standards
Massachusetts YMCAs Inc
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2015
A campaign to get the City of Boston to implement procurement policies related to vending, contracts, and institutions so items comply with appropriate nutritional standards and build to changing the full Massachusetts statute.
AHA Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
The goal of this campaign is to secure $10 million in state funding dedicated to the Massachusetts Food Trust Program.
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2017
A campaign to support the passage of statewide procurement policies related to vending and for the city of Boston to implement procurement policies related to vending and contracts.
AHA Massachusetts
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2015
The goal of this campaign is to secure $10 million in state funding dedicated to the Massachusetts Food Trust Program.
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successful campaign to ensure all public school students in Michigan will have access to co-cost, healthy school meals.
American Heart Association – Michigan
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successful campaign to increase access to SNAP benefits for those who need it in Michigan.
Preemption Efforts - 2020
A coalition of advocates defeated a six-bill package that would have prohibited local bans on flavored e-cigarette products.
Keep Michigan Tobacco Free Alliance
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Michigan passed SB 690, a mid-year supplemental bill that allows the state to spend funding from the CARES Act, and allocated a one-time appropriation of $1 million to the Double Up Food Bucks program.
Fair Food Network
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Michigan lawmakers allocated 5% of annually appropriated funds from the Community Revitalization Program to support healthy food access, totaling an estimated $12-$15 million over that five-year period.
American Heart Association – Michigan
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022 to 2024
Access Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services and partners are advocating for improved eligibility standards for SNAP benefits, improving access and reducing barriers to those who qualify for SNAP.
ACCESS Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2021
Campaign that aims to inform MI lawmakers of the importance of implementing a COVID-19 Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver. The demonstration will expand Medicaid coverage to low-income children and pregnant women who were impacted by COVID-19.
ACCESS Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2022
A campaign to advance 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms a program that supports schools in serving fresh fruits & vegetables, and a local school wellness policy in Flint with broader nutrition goals & culture of health for Flint's children.
Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2022
Michigan Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatric is working to advocate with community partners, stakeholders and legislators, to improve children’s access to healthy alternative food options in public schools in Wayne County.
Michigan Chapter American Academy of Pediatric
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
Campaign to secure recurring appropriations for Double Up Food Bucks program in the Michigan budget improving access to healthy food – especially in underserved communities - while supporting farmers, and strengthening local economies.
Fair Food Network
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Campaign is to secure recurring appropriations for Double Up Food Bucks program in the MI budget to improve access to healthy food – especially in our most underserved communities - while also supporting farmers, and strengthening local economies.
Fair Food Network
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2016
Campaign for new state appropriation of $10 million for the first year for a Healthy Food Financing initiative focused on increasing access in low and moderate-income communities.
AHA Michigan
Policy Wins
Family Economic Supports - 2023
MN HB 2 was passed and signed by the governor, bringing PFML benefits to public and private sector employees across the state. The program will ramp up over the next 2.5 years, and workers will be able to begin taking leave and receiving benefits on January 1, 2026.
American Heart Association - Minnesota
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Secured $10 million in increased funding by MN legislature for Head Start programs, with a special set aside of 10.72% specifically for Tribal Head Start programs.
American Heart Association - Minnesota
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successfully passing of legislation ensuring that starting with the 2023/2024 school year, all students have access to a no-cost breakfast and lunch.
American Heart Association - Minnesota
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014
A coalition of nearly 40 organizations secured funding for $1 million annually for Safe Routes to School infrastructure
American Heart Association - Minnesota
Funded Campaigns
Pilot Project - 2021 to 2024
Voices for Racial Justice will advance structural racial and health equity in public health and governance across sectors.
Voices for Racial Justice
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2021
A healthy kids' meal campaign, seeking to pass a statewide law requiring water or milk to be served as the default beverage in kids' meals served at restaurants. This campaign is being pursued as ground softening for a sugary drink tax campaign.
AHA Minnesota
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
Grantee will award mini-grants under a program called Fertile Ground, providing funding to Native American led projects that advance new policies or innovative approaches to policy-making that benefit Native American nutrition and health.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Support for the Fertile Ground grants program goals to encourage Native-led planning and convening efforts to work on new policies or innovative approaches to policymaking that benefit Native American nutrition and health.
American Indian Cancer Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Secure $10 million in state appropriations to support expanding access to healthy food in underserved, low/moderate income communities
AHA Minnesota (Good Food Access Fund Minnesota)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2017
A campaign to increase the Hennepin County transportation budget for active transportation from approximately 1.2% to at least 5%.
AHA Minnesota
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Secure $10 million in state appropriations to support expanding access to healthy food in underserved, low/moderate income communities
AHA Minnesota (Good Food Access Fund Minnesota)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2016
A state campaign to support appropriation of $6 million for SRTS infrastructure and 10% of a new metro sales tax for investment in bike/ped street scale improvements, including SRTS.
AHA Minnesota
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to secure $10 million in state appropriations to support expanding access to healthy food in underserved, low/moderate income communities
AHA Minnesota (Good Food Access Fund Minnesota)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2014
A campaign to support the state appropriation of $6 million for SRTS infrastructure and 10% of a new metro sales tax for investment in bike/ped street scale improvements, including SRTS
AHA Minnesota
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2015
A campaign to support the appropriation of $6 million for SRTS infrastructure and 10% of a new metro sales tax for investment in bike/ped street scale improvements, including SRTS.
AHA Minnesota
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
American Heart Association - fought back against serious efforts to zero out the budget for the Healthy Food and Families SNAP Incentive Program, threatening access to healthy foods for SNAP participants in Mississippi.
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Mississippi passed SB 2077 and SB 3015 creating the Mississippi Healthy Food and Families Program, with $400,00 to make produce-matching grants to eligible nonprofits administering SNAP incentive prog
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020
The Brookhaven School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved a measure that will allow students and staff to carry refillable water bottles at schools.
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Jackson, MS, mayor signed an executive order that strengthened the city’s existing complete streets ordinance, adding equity components that were missing from the original ordinance.
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017
Mississippi State Department of Healthy adopted updated licensing standards for both center-based and home-based child care, improving physical activity requirements to complement their strong nutrition and screen time rules.
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Jackson, MS, mayor signed an executive order implementing nutrition standards for all vending machines and food service operations on city property.
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016
Mississippi adopted Smart Snacks Standards for all foods and beverages sold in Mississippi schools, going above and beyond by not allowing nutrition standard exemptions for fundraisers.
American Heart Association – Mississippi
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
Teen Health Mississippi is working to develop policy that provides access to mental health support for students.
Teen Health Mississippi
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022 to 2024
CLIMB CDC is working on policies to improve public transportation options to farmers markets to increase access to healthy foods for Gulfport residents.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2023
Morning Star Baptist Church is working to increase understanding and access to healthy foods and snacks in the Harris County and Gulfport School districts through policies supporting school garden programs.
Morning Star Baptist Church
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to advocate to use Covid-19 resources and regulatory flexibility to shore up our state’s childcare centers through this public health emergency so they can continue to serve our state’s low-income families.
Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2021
A campaign to eliminate the state regulatory requirement in the state Child Care Development Fund program that deters single moms who have the greatest need for help paying for child care, from obtaining the early education her children need.
Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2022
A policy campaign to increase equitable access to healthy food through state appropriations for SNAP benefits when used on fruits and vegetables; specifically, funding for SNAP authorized-retailer incentive programs.
AHA Mississippi
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2021
This regional campaign seeks to increase water access in schools at the state and/or local level in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
AHA Tennessee
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2015
Campaign to support shared use legislation in the state.
NAACP Mississippi
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
Campaign to support Healthy Food Financing policy initiatives in Mississippi.
AHA Mississippi
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
A campaign increase the number of healthy food retail outlets receiving funding from food financing initiatives in underserved communities through a HFFI legislation at the state level.
The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2014
Campaign to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets receiving funding from food financing initiatives in underserved communities through a HFFI legislation at the state level.
AHA Mississippi
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2013 to 2014
A campaign to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets receiving funding from food financing initiatives in underserved communities through HFFI legislation at the state level
The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successful campaign to increase access to SNAP for recipients as their incomes increase and simplification of the SNAP application process.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Preemption Efforts - 2023
American Heart Association - worked side by side with the Kansas City Chamber and Missouri Realtors to defend against harmful preemption legislation, protecting local tobacco regulatory control.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
St. Louis, Mo., passed legislation that requires the default beverages at food service operations to be healthy options for kids.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Family Economic Supports - 2020
Voters in St. Louis approved Proposition R, which will raise $2.3 million annually for Early Childhood programs and services each year.
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020
Missouri voted to expand Medicaid to cover an additional 230,000 adults.
Beyond Housing
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The City Council in Kansas City, MO, passed an ordinance requiring new transportation infrastructure projects to include Complete Streets components, with a priority on ensuring successful implementation of Complete Streets in low and moderate-income neighborhoods.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018
The Kansas City, MO, Board of Education adopted an updated school wellness policy to promote student health and help facilitate student learning of lifelong healthy habits around nutrition and physical activity.
Communities Creating Opportunity
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
St. Louis mayor signed an executive order implementing nutrition standards for all vending machines and food service operations on city property.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Kansas City, MO, improved their 2014 vending policy to bring it up to date with modern nutritional standards. Residents, city employees and visitors will have access to healthier options while on city property.
American Heart Association – Missouri
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2023
Leading a statewide table of faith, labor, and community organizations to advocate for policy solutions returning local control of wages, working conditions, terms of employment, and rent control to municipal & county elected leaders.
Missouri Workers Center
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023 to 2024
Kids Win Missouri and WEPOWER are collaborating to secure both state and local investment in early care and education, working to secure a state appropriation that can help match local funds secured by WEPOWER in St. Louis City and County.
Kids Win Missouri
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022 to 2022
A coalition of childcare workers and allies are leading a campaign to secure ~$25m to supplement wages & subsidize continued education, as well as build momentum for a more transformative campaign to secure dedicated, annual public funding for ECE.
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2021
Funding needed to defend against multiple pieces of state-preemption legislation that: 1) strips local public health authority and 2) disallows local governments from tobacco regulation.
AHA Missouri
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
Expand eligibility for Medicaid to 138% of the federal poverty level so that Missouri can take full advantage of federal funds available to meet the health needs of low-income, uninsured Missourians.
Beyond Housing
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2020
"Yes on Prop R" is a community-led campaign to raise approximately $2.3 million annually for early childhood services benefitting 0-5 year olds in St. Louis, MO via a modest increase in our Mental Health Board’s current property tax.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2018
A campaign to push a district-wide policy that restricts the extent to which unhealthy foods can be marketed, positively impacting the health of over 15,000 students.
Communities Creating Opportunity
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Successful coalitions came together to defeat serious preemption threats to local democracy in Montana.
American Heart Association – Montana
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Montana
Preemption Efforts - 2019
A Montana bill that would have stripped local authority to regulate tobacco and e-cigarettes was defeated
American Heart Association – Montana
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2021
AHA in Montana requests funds to support a massive fight against preemption. There are more than 10 active preemption fights in MT.
AHA Montana
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
$317k secured to help support the Double Up Food Bucks program which had been funded in the 2022 legislative session at $2.5 million.
American Heart Association – Nebraska
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Nebraska
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Nebraska's SNAP eligibility was set to go down to 135% of FPL on 10/1/23 due to a sunset provision after a previously expanded access to 165% . Worked hard to extend the sunset to keep thousands of Nebraska’s most vulnerable citizens' food secure.
American Heart Association – Nebraska
Preemption Efforts - 2020
A Nebraska bill with potential to preempt the local regulation of “consumer merchandise,” including tobacco and soda taxes, was defeated.
American Heart Association – Nebraska
Preemption Efforts - 2019
A Nebraska bill that would have impacted the ability of local communities to regulate tobacco licensing, taxes and fees was defeated.
American Heart Association – Nebraska
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023 to 2025
Our policy goal is to fully eliminate Nebraska’s lifetime SNAP ban for people with certain drug felony convictions.
Nebraska Appleseed
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to push to implement state-level changes to SNAP, Medicaid, and unemployment insurance to expand benefits and streamline access to meet Nebraskans’ immediate needs amid the COVID-19 economic downturn.
Nebraska Appleseed
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2019 to 2020
This campaign will work to enact legislation that will require each school district to install a prescribed number of drinking fountains and bottle filling stations when constructing new school buildings or modifying an existing structure.
Center for Rural Affairs
Policy Wins
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022
Henderson, Nevada passed a complete streets policy as part of its Henderson Strong Comprehensive Plan making the community more walking, biking, and active transportation friendly.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada approved over $35 million for walking and biking projects in Las Vegas.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Regional Transportation Commission in Nevada approved budget items allocating $10.33 million and $20.83 million in bike and pedestrian infrastructure and safety funding to the City of Henderson and Clark County respectively.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The City of Las Vegas funded eight active transportation projects, providing nearly $10.5 million to make the city more bike and pedestrian friendly.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada approved over $12 million in funding to support a connected and safe active transportation network in Las Vegas
American Heart Association – Nevada
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Clark County, NV, voters voted “yes” on Question 5, allotting approximately $43 million for Safe Routes to School projects and $119 million to biking and walking projects over the next 10 years.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014
A school wellness policy has been passed in Nevada to support overall student wellness.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014
Nevada passed a law to prevent unhealthy foods from being marketed in schools.
American Heart Association – Nevada
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2023
Make the Road Nevada & Guinn Center for Policy Priorities are working to increase access to water for students & families by ensuring that all schools, new & old, have water bottle filling stations & clean, functioning drinking fountains in schools.
Make the Road Nevada, a project of Make the Road States, Inc.
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2019 to 2020
This campaign for state-level appropriation & policies to support training, TA & grants for childcare providers in low-income communities or serving families with low-incomes to incorporate nutrition, active play, & screen time standards.
Children's Advocacy Alliance
Policy Wins
New Hampshire
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted the authority of towns and cities to pass regulations or ordinances on public health issues.
American Heart Association - New Hampshire
New Hampshire
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
New Hampshire passed legislation requiring all new buildings and substantial renovations of schools to include free, safe and appealing water that is accessible to all children through water bottle fi
American Heart Association - New Hampshire
Funded Campaigns
New Hampshire
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is pass a bill create a policy prohibiting marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to students on school property by the end of the legislative session.
AHA New Hampshire
Policy Wins
New Jersey
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
$3.5 million was appropriated for SNAP participants to purchase produce, and receive a credit for an equal amount to be used on additional produce, doubling purchasing power for fruits and vegetables.
American Heart Association - New Jersey
New Jersey
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022
Trenton passed a city ordinance updating the Complete Streets policy making the city more friendly to active transportation.
American Heart Association - New Jersey
Funded Campaigns
New Jersey
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2022
A project working to convince school officials to pass policies to install water bottle filling stations with filters to remove lead to ensure kids’ access to safe drinking water in 3 Black and Brown communities.
Environment American Research & Policy Center
New Jersey
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to ensure the state of New Jersey will appropriate $1 million to provide grants and loans to corner stores and bodegas in low-income and underserved communities for local access to healthy foods.
AHA New Jersey
New Jersey
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
The goal is for the State of New Jersey to appropriate $1 million to provide grants and loans to corner stores and bodegas in low income and underserved communities for local access to healthy foods.
AHA New Jersey
Policy Wins
New Mexico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successful passage of legislation ensuring all students across New Mexico have access to a no-cost, high-quality, breakfast and lunch at school.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
New Mexico
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022
Enshrined funding for early childhood education in the state constitution through a ballot measure, resulting in $150 million in recurring appropriations to fund ECE programs in New Mexico.
New Mexico Voices for Children
New Mexico
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022
Las Cruces, NM, passed a complete streets policy that will create a complete, connected network for all transportation users, build multimodal roadways, and improve efficiency for all travelers, inc.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
New Mexico
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Advocates in New Mexico ensured an amendment that would have preempted any and all local regulation of tobacco usage and sales was not included in SB 131.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
New Mexico
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Albuquerque City Council passed an ordinance to amend the existing complete streets policy to ensure equity, transparency, accountability and community involvement are integral parts of the City’s road and street construction process.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
New Mexico
Preemption Efforts - 2017
During New Mexico’s 53rd legislative session, advocates worked to defeat three bills that would have prevented local governments from taxing foods and beverages.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
New Mexico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Albuquerque, NM, City Council passed a resolution to provide access to healthier food options in city owned and operated facilities.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
New Mexico
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014
New Mexico Public Education Department adopted rules requiring all foods served in schools meet quality nutrition guidelines ensuring that all students receive the best school foods available.
American Heart Association – New Mexico
Funded Campaigns
New Mexico
Family Economic Supports - 2023 to 2024
Work on passing paid family and medical leave in New Mexico during the 2024 Legislative Session.
Southwest Women's Law Center
New Mexico
Family Economic Supports - 2023 to 2023
Campaign in New Mexico to support Paid Family and Medical Leave bill.
AHA New Mexico
New Mexico
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021 to 2022
New Mexico Voices for Children and partners are working to ensure the passage of a ballot initiative creating a constitutional amendment allowing for increased funding for critical early childhood education and care and K-12 education.
New Mexico Voices for Children
New Mexico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2021
This is a comprehensive campaign to enact legislation in New Mexico that requires restaurants to offer healthy beverages as the default in kids' meals.
American Diabetes Association
New Mexico
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2021
The New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty will focus on advancing state-level policies to ensure that communities who are hardest hit by the pandemic can access critical food and income assistance.
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
New Mexico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
The goal of this campaign is to achieve binding commitments from the City of Las Cruces and Dona Ana County to utilize existing investment funds to create a Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI).
La Semilla Food Center
New Mexico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2017
Campaign in support of the Santa Fe, NM sugary drink tax ballot initiative.
AHA New Mexico
New Mexico
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Campaign to establish a School Wellness Committee and promote the creation and adoption of a Local Wellness Policy at Navajo Preparatory School, with the goal of reducing access to unhealthy foods currently available in on-campus vending machines.
Capacity Builders, Inc.
New Mexico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
The goal of this campaign is to achieve binding commitments from the City of Las Cruces and Dona Ana County to utilize existing investment funds to create a Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI).
La Semilla Food Center
New Mexico
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to reduce access to unhealthy foods currently available on the campuses of the six Central Consolidated School District
Capacity Builders, Inc.
Policy Wins
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
The coalition successfully secured $134.6M to fully fund healthy school meals for all CEP schools on an ongoing basis vastly increasing access to no-cost, healthy school meals in New York State.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
New York dedicated $2 million to the Double Up Food Bucks program in its 2022-23 budget.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
New York City received a $5.5 million Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) grant and committed to matching that amount for a total $11 million investment in SNAP incentive programs.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Family Economic Supports - 2021
The New York State Legislature included $2.1 billion for the Fund for Excluded Workers as part of the state's budget
Make the Road NY
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
New York City became the first city in the northeast to pass legislation requiring restaurants to automatically serve kids’ meals with healthy drink option.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2019
Physical education assessment and accountability measurements were approved by the New York City Council to determine where more resources are needed to ensure every child has access to effective physical education.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
Street Design Checklist bill was passed by the New York City Council, making the city’s Complete Streets policy official.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018
New York City secured an additional $39.8 million in physical education appropriations to help hire additional certified physical education teachers.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
New York City allocated an additional $101 million to expand the city’s greenway through East Harlem.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017
New York City allocated additional funding to physical education, investing approximately $385 million over four years to support capital improvements for physical education programs.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017
New York City allocated $21 million to support physical education programs for the city’s 1.16 million students.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
New York AB 3009C, an appropriations bill, allocated $200 million to fund the Empire State Trail system throughout the state.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
New York City Capital Budget was approved, including $100 million of initial funding to create a seamless greenway along the waterfront of the East Side of Manhattan.
American Heart Association – New York
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016
New York City, NY, secured $9 million in physical education appropriations.
American Heart Association – New York
Funded Campaigns
New York
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023 to 2025
Our campaign will advocate for a $20 million allocation in New York City’s FY 25 budget for childcare providers - including Head Start programs - to serve low income immigrant families who have long been shut out from affordable childcare in New York City.
New York Immigration Coalition
New York
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
MRNY will organize for a $3.5B New York State Excluded Worker Fund for immigrant workers who lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic but who were excluded from federal benefits under the Cares act.
Make the Road New York
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
A campaign to secure a comprehensive state procurement policy that increases access to healthier food on public property and through public programs in New York State in 2020.
AHA New York
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2020
Work to amend NYS law to require school districts to have LWPs; establish a model LWP in law; promote health equity through resources and supports for struggling schools; and build in transparency and accountability throughout implementation.
Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy, Teachers College Columbia University
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2019
Campaign to accelerate work already underway in support of improved access to healthy foods for all New Yorkers.
AHA New York City
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
This campaign is seeking policy change via legislation pending in front of New York City Council which would currently restrict the use of toy-like incentives if children’s meals do not meet prescribed nutritional standards.
AHA New York City
New York
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015 to 2017
Policy change campaign via legislation pending in front of New York City Council to require an annual report by NYC Department of Education on a series of quality indicators for physical education.
AHA New York City
New York
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2017
A campaign to secure $15 million in state funding for the NYS Healthy Food & Healthy Communities Funds in order to increase access to healthy foods and markets in underserved areas.
AHA New York
Policy Wins
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
Charlotte, NC, voters approved a general obligation bond that will provide $30 million for investments to improve sidewalk and active space infrastructure in the city.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
Voters in Wake County, NC, passed a bond measure that includes $120 million for walking and biking infrastructure.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Mecklenburg County, NC, Board of Commissioners approved the fiscal year 2018 Parks and Recreation Project Ordinance, which allocated $4 million for the Little Sugar Creek greenway near downtown Charlotte.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Raleigh, NC, fiscal 2018 budget and fiscal 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Plan were approved, allocating approximately $9 million to fund bicycle and pedestrian improvements, invest in greenways and fund the City’s BikeShare program.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Mecklenburg County, NC, Board of Commissioners agreed to direct $49 million from a 2008 bond package funding source to support the greenway trail system throughout the county
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017
The North Carolina Child Care Commission voted to updated licensing standards for both center-based and home-based child care, strengthening physical activity, nutrition, screen time, tobacco and CPR requirements.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
The Durham, NC, city budget was approved, including $7.87 million dollars for sidewalk infrastructure.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Raleigh, NC, voters passed a transportation bond that dedicated $35 million to improving the walking and biking infrastructure throughout the city.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Greensboro, NC, voters approved a $28 million transportation bond that earmarked $5 million for sidewalks, bike lanes and intersection improvements.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Charlotte, NC, voters passed a transportation bond that dedicated $42 million to improving the walking and biking infrastructure throughout the city.
Sustain Charlotte & Transportation Choices Alliance.
North Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015
Mecklenburg County, NC, adopted a healthy food procurement vending policy to ensure healthier choices on county properties.
American Heart Association – North Carolina
Funded Campaigns
North Carolina
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023 to 2023
Right now, early education makes up just 1% of North Carolina’s state budget. This campaign is asking our state legislators to double that investment by passing these 5 bills and appropriating state funding to support them.
NC Early Education Coalition
North Carolina
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
The campaign will use a combination of polling and direct mail in targeted areas of the state to show the impact of COVID-19 on perceptions of Medicaid expansion & build support for policy solutions to close the health insurance coverage gap.
Rural Economic Development Center, Inc.
North Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
A statewide advocacy campaign to increase SNAP incentives in North Carolina
Reinvestment Partners
North Carolina
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2020
A campaign to remove existing laws that preempt the development of municipal broadband networks, allowing communities to better invest in essential networks needed to improve health care access, education, civic participation, & job opportunities.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
North Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2018
This is a statewide campaign to address standards-based physical education curriculum, appropriate professional development for teachers, teacher certification/licensing, waivers/substitution, student assessment, and accountability.
North Carolina Alliance for Health
North Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2020
North Carolina PTA will mobilize parent leaders and community organizations to codify Safe Routes to School in state-level policy and advocate for infrastructure and non-infrastructure appropriations for Safe Routes to School.
North Carolina PTA
North Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
The Food Trust is pursuing recapitalization of the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative (FFFI) to be included in Pennsylvania’s FY 18-19 budget.
Reinvestment Partners
North Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to advocate for stronger wellness policies and School Health Advisory Councils at the state level in North Carolina.
North Carolina PTA
North Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to support Healthy food financing state legislation in North Carolina with 5 million in appropriations.
North Carolina Alliance for Health
North Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to secure minimum state requirements for PE in elementary and middle schools.
North Carolina Alliance for Health
North Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2016
A campaign to pass food financing state legislation and secure $5 million in state appropriations.
North Carolina Alliance for Health
North Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2013 to 2014
A campaign to support healthy food financing state legislation in North Carolina with at least 5 million in supporting appropriations.
North Carolina Alliance for Health
Policy Wins
North Dakota
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$65.6 million in state funding secured to reduce copays for working families with low incomes, increase childcare assistance to more families, increase CCAP for quality infant/toddler care, provide additional training stipends for childcare workers, and increased efficient and speed of child-care background checks.
American Heart Association - North Dakota
Funded Campaigns
North Dakota
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2020
The North Dakota Head Start Association will implement a public policy campaign to increase the availability of Head Start model services to children and families whose incomes are above the poverty income guidelines.
North Dakota Head Start Association
North Dakota
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2019
Work to establish statewide early care and education licensing standards that meet the guidelines for USDA CACFP nutrition requirements, YMCA physical activity and screen time recommendations for all licensed early childcare provider settings.
AHA North Dakota
North Dakota
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017 to 2018
A campaign to establishing statewide early care and education licensing standards that meet the guidelines for nutrition requirements, physical activity and screen time.
AHA North Dakota
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Equality Ohio fought to defend against harmful legislation that would have removed access to healthcare for young people and prohibited school personnel from supporting trans youth.
Equality Ohio
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Successfully rallied for a Governor veto of harmful preemption that prohibited local regulation of tobacco and alternative nicotine products, stopping future policies, and rolling back any existing local laws.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successful campaign to double the state investment to $1 million dollars to support the SNAP produce incentive program in Ohio.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Toledo passed an ordinance to make healthy drinks, such as water, low-fat milk, or 100% juice, the first option to kids and families when they dine out.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
The Ohio General Assembly passed legislation to modernize water access requirements for school buildings by ensuring that newly built schools include water bottle filling stations.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Youngstown, OH's city council passed legislation that would make healthy beverage options the default for all kids meals.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Ohio increased funding to the Produce Perks (Double Up Food Bucks program) from $250,000 per year to $500,000 per year.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Cleveland passed a healthy default drinks policy for restaurant kids’ meals in the city, making water, nonfat or 1% milk, or 100% fruit juice in a serving size of no more than 6 ounces the default beverage in meals for children.
American Heart Association - Cleveland & Neighborhood Leadership Institute
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
Columbus adopted a default beverage policy to make healthy drink options the default for kids and families when they dine out.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014
The Ohio legislature passed HB290, making it easier for schools to open their gymnasiums, pools, playgrounds, running track, athletic fields and other facilities to public use during non-school hours.
American Heart Association – Ohio
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2023
Rapid response grant to defeat harmful preemption legislation that came up suddenly in Ohio.
AHA Ohio
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2024
A campaign to elevate the importance of Ohio's constitutional right to home rule through strategic communications and legislative advocacy that will include formally establishing in state law an "Ohio Home Rule Commission."
Ohio Mayors Alliance Foundation
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2022
Equality Ohio and Kaleidoscope Youth Center are working to co-create an advocacy and education campaign that will defend against two bills that would preempt existing protections for LGBTQ+ youth.
Equality Ohio Education Fund
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2021
Campaign to expand engagement of priority populations in support of passage of a Healthy Kids’ Meal policy.
AHA Ohio
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014 to 2014
A campaign to support legislation to clarify liability around shared use.
AHA Ohio
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2016
A campaign to seek $10 million for a combined Healthy Food Financing initiative in Ohio.
AHA Ohio
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2014
A campaign to support passage of state legislation in Ohio to clarify liability around shared use.
AHA Ohio
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Oklahoma allocated $1.1 million for nutrition incentive programs that helps low-income families purchase fresh fruits and vegetables.
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Oklahoma
Family Economic Supports - 2020
Oklahoma voted to expand Medicaid in the state and prevent state lawmakers from limiting or reversing expansion.
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
A temporary penny sales tax was approved by 71.7% of Oklahoma City voters to raise a projected $978 million over eight years, with $87 million allocated for sidewalks, bike lanes, trails and streetlights to support safe active transportation.
American Heart Association – Oklahoma
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The City Council in Oklahoma City, OK, unanimously approved an updated comprehensive plan that implements Complete Street standards, ensuring transportation infrastructure is designed to enable safe access and use for all people.
American Heart Association – Oklahoma
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Oklahoma City voters approved a $967 million bond package and a temporary continuation of a penny sales tax, to provide funding for infrastructure and public safety investments, including active transportation projects and improvements.
American Heart Association – Oklahoma
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Oklahoma City, OK, City Council unanimously passed a resolution implementing a healthy vending policy, followed by a policy memorandum from the City Manager detailing the policy requirements.
American Heart Association – Oklahoma
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015
Tulsa, OK, adopted a healthy food procurement vending policy to ensure there are healthy food and beverage options served on city owned and leased properties.
American Heart Association – Oklahoma
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
Harrison Hope is working on policy to embed mental health training and development education into professional development requirements for educators to improve the mental health outcomes of children in Charleston.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
Healthy Minds Policy Initiative is working on policy change that would increase youth access to high-quality mental health services in Tulsa Public Schools .
Healthy Minds Policy Initiative
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
Teach Not Punish is working on mental health policies in schools to reduce expulsion rates and improve practices in early childhood.
Teach Not Punish Family Resource Center, Inc
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2023
Hunger Free Oklahoma is working on policy to support Breakfast After the Bell to grow the School Breakfast Program in Tulsa Public Schools.
Hunger Free Oklahoma, a fund of Tulsa Community Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2022
A policy campaign to increase SNAP appropriations & create a single application for SNAP, Free & Reduced School Lunch (FRSL), & Medicaid benefits & ensuring the front-end of this application & hub are culturally appropriate & user-friendly.
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
The campaign will educate Oklahomans on the benefits of this Medicaid expansion proposal before the voters, and educate low-income families about Medicaid benefits and the enrollment process for families who would qualify.
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2019 to 2019
A statewide policy campaign for early care and education in Oklahoma.
AHA Oklahoma
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
Healthy Food Financing Initiative and Procurement campaign work in Oklahoma.
AHA Oklahoma
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2018
A campaign to pursue the adoption of a Complete Streets policy through City Council
AHA Oklahoma
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
Campaign to establish a Healthy Corner Store initiative as a funded program ($1,000,000) that sets specific standards for healthy corner store designation.
AHA Oklahoma
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2014
Campaign to establish a Healthy Corner Store initiative as a funded program ($1,000,000) that sets specific standards for healthy corner store designation.
AHA Oklahoma
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Secured $4.168 million to support the Double Up Food Bucks program to support increase access to fruits and vegetables for SNAP participants.
Double Up Food Bucks Coalition and AHA-Oregon
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successfully passed legislation and appropriations that significantly increased access to healthy school meals covering 76% of schools.
Healthy School Meals for All Coalition and American Heart Association – Oregon
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Oregon included $4 million earmarked for SNAP incentives, nearly tripling the allocation for Double Up Food Bucks for SNAP participants to double their dollar to purchase fruits & vegetables at farmers markets, farm shares and participating markets.
Double Up Food Bucks Coalition and American Heart Association – Oregon
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020
Multnomah County established a "Preschool for All" program (universal preschool). The program prioritizes the community’s children who currently have the least access, children who speak languages other than English, & children experiencing poverty.
American Heart Association – Oregon
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The Oregon legislature appropriated $1.5 million to support infrastructure development and expand access to the Oregon SNAP incentives program.
American Heart Association – Oregon
Preemption Efforts - 2018
Oregon voters protected the right of local governments to pass local sugary drink taxes by voting against a beverage industry led constitutional ballot initiative.
American Heart Association – Oregon
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Oregon HB 2017 was passed, allocating $125 million in funding over ten years to the Safe Routes to School fund.
American Heart Association – Oregon
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Portland, OR, voters passed a motor fuels tax, Portland’s first local funding source dedicated to active transportation infrastructure, estimated to generate $64 million over four years.
Fix Our Streets Portland Campaign
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties, OR, secured $3.5 million for Safe Routes to School, including $1.5 million for a regional Safe Routes to School program and $2 million for street improvements near low-income schools and trails.
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015
Oregon passed a competitive foods policy to ensure the nutritional quality of foods available in schools.
Upstream Public Health
Funded Campaigns
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2017
A project to advance policy levers in complete streets, safe routes to school, and bike and pedestrian appropriations at both the state level and the neighborhood level.
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2016
Create a new Safe Routes to School program for the Portland Metro Region and secure $2-11 million per two-year funding cycle.
BTA Oregon
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Goal is to implement a bill requiring a minimum of 150 minutes of PE for elementary schools and 225 minutes for middle schools.
AHA Oregon
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2017
Campaign to pursue state and regional funding for infrastructure to make travel to and from school safer, with a focus on equitable investments made in schools with higher populations of low-income youth and youth of color.
OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2015
Campaign to support the ongoing Safe Routes to School Campaign in Portland.
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014 to 2015
A campaign to pass legislation to prohibit advertising in all public schools and daycare facilities for foods and beverages that don’t meet state nutrition standards.
Upstream Public Health
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014 to 2014
A campaign to pass statewide legislation to prohibit advertising in all public schools and daycare facilities for foods and beverages that don’t meet state nutrition standards.
Upstream Public Health
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014 to 2015
The goal is to create a new Safe Routes to School program for the Portland Metro Region and secure $2-11 million per two-year funding cycle.
BTA Oregon
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2013 to 2013
A campaign to expand Oregon's vending standards legislation to address additional public places.
Oregon Public Health
Policy Wins
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
Philadelphia, Pa., passed legislation ensuring all schools have at least one bottle filling station per hundred students and one per floor by 2025.
PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center, Inc.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
Philadelphia, Pa., approved funding for 2,000 hydration stations at schools to ensure that all students have access to safe, clean drinking water.
PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center, Inc.
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022
Chester County, PA passed a complete streets policy increasing safety and efficiency while enhancing the social equity needs of the transportation system.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022
Successfully advocated for the appropriation of over $4 million invested by county commissioners into early childhood education.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021
The Philadelphia City Council approved an increase in subsidy reimbursement rates for child care programs, which will increase the number of early child care spots for eligible children.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Advocates defeated a preemption bill that would have jeopardized sugary drink taxes in the state.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
The Philadelphia fiscal year 2021 budget includes $20 million in funding for safe and equitable bike and pedestrian projects.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The Philadelphia City Council approved an ordinance to make the default drink in kids’ restaurant meals a healthy option, like water, milk or 100% juice.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Philadelphia City Council approved the city’s budget, which included $15 million in bike and pedestrian funding.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
Advocates in Philadelphia successfully opposed legislation to repeal the existing sugary drink tax.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Preemption Efforts - 2018
A bill preempting sugary drink taxes was successfully defeated in the Pennsylvania legislature.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Philadelphia, PA, City Council passed a 1.5 cent per ounce sweetened beverage tax with a 13-4 vote.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Philadelphia adopted nutrition standards for vending machines on city owned and leased property.
American Heart Association – Pennsylvania
Funded Campaigns
Family Economic Supports - 2023 to 2024
A campaign to establish a state-administered paid family leave program in Pennsylvania.
Children First PA (formerly PCCY)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2023 to 2023
Campaign working with PA's largest school districts to follow Philadelphia's lead and enact policies to fund the installation of water bottle filling stations throughout the district's school buildings.
PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center, Inc.
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2022
PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center, Inc. in collaboration with the Black Church Center for Justice & Equality is working to pass policy & secure funding to ensure access to safe drinking water by Philadelphia School District students.
PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center, Inc.
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2020
The goal is to soundly defeat and any and all attempts to preempt local municipalities from freely enacting food and beverage policies that will improve the health of their communities.
AHA Pennsylvania
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2021
Statewide advocacy campaign to secure a $2 million annual appropriation that would fund a statewide SNAP fruit and vegetable incentive program and provide funding and TA to enable more rural farmers' markets and farm stands to accept SNAP benefits.
The Food Trust
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2019
A campaign to establish statewide nutrition, active play, sugary drink, and screen time standards for Pennsylvania early care and education (ECE) providers by targeting PA’s quality rating and improvement system, Keystone STARS.
The Food Trust
Preemption Efforts - 2017 to 2019
Campaign to defeat a proposed preemptive legislation aimed at sugary drink taxes in Pennsylvania.
AHA Pennsylvania
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Pushing for the establishment of a district-wide student-faculty maintenance/evaluation program to ensure students provide input about faulty or non-functioning water outlets in Philadelphia.
Youth United for Change (YUC)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2018
The goal of this campaign is to secure a $5 million appropriation in the State of Pennsylvania for healthy food financing for Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative (PA FFFI).
The Food Trust
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
The goal of this campaign is to secure a $5 million appropriation in the State of Pennsylvania for healthy food financing for Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative (PA FFFI)
The Food Trust
Active, Equitable Communities - 2013 to 2013
A campaign to establish a bicycle and pedestrian project fund as well as a bicycle and pedestrian office within the PA state Department of Transportation.
Mission Readiness
Policy Wins
Funded Campaigns
Puerto Rico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2022
Partners will lead a campaign to ensure that all children in Puerto Rico who are living in or near poverty have access to the Nutritional Assistance Program (NAP).
Youth Development Institute
Puerto Rico
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
A campaign working to advocate in Congress for Puerto Rico to have access to Pandemic EBT funds and 2) to advocate at the Puerto Rico level for the effective and speedy implementation of a Pandemic EBT program.
Youth Development Institute
Policy Wins
Rhode Island
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Secured $3 million in state appropriations for Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms in FY24 that will be used to reopen/maintain much-needed Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms in Rhode Island.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Rhode Island appropriated $11 million to preserve pre-k seats at risk due to expiring federal grant and to address the ECE staffing crisis by investing in childcare educators and staff.
American Heart Association - Rhode Island, Parents Leading for Educational Equity, RI Kids Count, Right from the Start
Rhode Island
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Rhode Island approved an $11.5 appropriation to fund a Retail SNAP Incentives Pilot Program that will provide a discount on fresh fruits and vegetables at grocery stores.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Active, Equitable Communities - 2021
Providence passed a complete streets policy to create safe, more accessible and more equitable streets for everyone.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
Rhode Island passed S459 and H5738, which requires water bottle filling stations in new constructions and major renovations in schools so kids have increased access to free, easily accessible, safe and good-tasting
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021
Rhode Island allocated $15 million for physical improvements to and development of licensed Early Childhood care and education facilities.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
More than 78% of Rhode Island voters approved a bond referendum to allocate $10 million to bike and recreation projects.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018
The Rhode Island Governor signed Senate Bill 2350A/House Bill 7419A into law, prohibiting advertising and marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages on school property.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017
Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families updated licensing rules for child care centers, improving nutrition, physical activity and screen time standard.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Rhode Island voters approved the $35 million Green Economy Bonds, which included $10 million for the State Bikeway Development Program to design and construct bikeways throughout the state.
Yes on 6 Coalition
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016
Rhode Island now has a smart snacks competitive foods policy in all schools to ensure the nutritional quality of foods in schools.
American Heart Association – Rhode Island
Funded Campaigns
Rhode Island
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022 to 2024
Parents Leading for Educational Equity and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT is working to increase access to affordable, high-quality childcare programs for children in communities with families with low-incomes.
Parents Leading for Educational Equity
Rhode Island
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021 to 2021
A campaign to bolster community support for a sugary drinks tax as a funding mechanism for the Retail SNAP Incentive Program.
Rhode Island Public Health Institute
Rhode Island
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
Campaign to secure a $1M state appropriation to support a state SNAP incentive program.
Rhode Island Public Health Institute
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to increase policies that promote health in Rhode Island schools including a healthy school marketing bill and PE appropriations.
AHA Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2018
Campaign to pursue Healthy School Marketing in Rhode Island.
AHA Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2020
PE policy campaign in Rhode Island.
AHA Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2018
A campaign to elevate the profile of physical education in the community and improve quality PE for all students, and lay a foundation and build an advocate base for future policy campaigns related to quality PE in Rhode Island
AHA Rhode Island
Rhode Island
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015 to 2017
The goal of this campaign is to align Rhode Island Nutrition Requirements (RINR) with the USDA Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages in schools.
AHA Rhode Island
Policy Wins
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Successful campaign to secure funding supporting a SNAP incentive program increasing access to healthy food.
American Heart Association – South Carolina
South Carolina
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – South Carolina
South Carolina
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Success campaign to defeat harmful preemption legislation.
American Heart Association – South Carolina
South Carolina
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Advocates defeated preemption proposals that would have effectively prevented any local flavored tobacco ordinances and any local tobacco retail licensure ordinances.
American Heart Association – South Carolina
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
Spartanburg County, SC, enacted a binding administrative policy that requires healthy vending options on all county owned property.
Eat Smart Move More South Carolina
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018
The mayor of Charleston, SC, signed a healthy vending policy covering all city owned and leased properties.
Eat Smart Move More South Carolina
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
Columbia, SC, City Council passed a healthy vending and food service resolution to ensure that healthier food and beverage options are available on local public property.
Eat Smart Move More South Carolina
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016
South Carolina adopted a competitive foods statewide policy to ensure the nutritional quality of foods in schools.
Eat Smart Move More South Carolina
Funded Campaigns
South Carolina
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2023
Defend against legislation that would prohibit local SC cities and counties from enacting local laws that address tobacco licensure, flavors or ingredients.
AHA South Carolina
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
This campaign working to pass mental health policies at the Charleston County School District including requiring all pre-K teachers to participate in mental health, trauma-informed care and implicit bias training.
The Beloved Early Education and Care Collective (BEE)
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
E3 Foundation will build upon the Cultural Competency Policy passed by the Charleston County School District Board and expand the impact by creating an equity framework directing the Superintendent to factor equity into district decision-making.
E3 Foundation (Educate, Empower, Elevate)
South Carolina
Preemption Efforts - 2022 to 2022
AHA South Carolina will defend against H 3681-- a preemptive bill prohibiting local regulations pertaining to flavors, licensure and ingredients of tobacco products.
AHA South Carolina
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022 to 2024
Charleston Hope is working to pass a policy by the Charleston County School Board to require all employees, district-wide, to receive trauma-informed training.
Charleston Hope
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
This Youth Advocacy & Health Equity campaign will work on the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act, food sales taxes, school ordinances regarding food programs, & SNAP work requirements, which is impacting a large number of Wyandotte County students.
South Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018 to 2020
A campaign to advance a state complete streets policy in South Carolina.
Palmetto Cycling Coalition
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
This campaign will center around the legislative budget provision for Health Bucks, the previously allocated yet restricted and uneasily accessed SNAP incentive program, with a current budget of over 1.8 million dollars.
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2019
A statewide initiative to pursue policy changes that require Out of School Time programs to integrate national healthy eating and physical activity standards into a statewide recognition program.
South Carolina Alliance of YMCAs
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
A campaign to enact food and beverage vending standards in Richland County and the City of Columbia, the largest county and city in SC.
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2018
A statewide initiative to pursue policy changes that require Out of School Time programs to integrate national healthy eating and physical activity standards into a statewide recognition program.
South Carolina Alliance of YMCAs
South Carolina
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2018
A campaign to advance a state complete streets policy in South Carolina.
Palmetto Cycling Coalition
South Carolina
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Will lead a campaign to enact food and beverage vending standards in Richland County and the City of Columbia, the largest county and city in SC
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Goal is to lead a statewide initiative to pursue policy changes that require Out of School Time programs to integrate national healthy eating and physical activity standards.
South Carolina Alliance of YMCAs
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014 to 2014
A campaign to pass state legislation to extend Students Health and Fitness Act to middle and high schools.
South Carolina
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014 to 2016
The goal is to pass state legislation to extend the Students Health and Fitness Act to middle and high schools.
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Successfully passed legislation creating the childcare improvement fund and then established $15 million in funding over three years to allocate grants to nonprofit organizations for establishing new childcare programs or making improvements to existing programs, increasing access to quality childcare in Tennessee.
American Heart Association – Tennessee
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
Rutherford County School Board officially passed a policy ensuring all newly constructed schools, as well as those undergoing major renovations, will be equipped with adequate water bottle filling stations.
American Heart Association – Tennessee
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
The Board of Education in Hamilton County approved the installation of water bottle filling stations in all newly constructed or majorly renovated schools.
American Heart Association – Tennessee
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018
The child care licensing regulations were streamlined to cover both centers and home-based care, establishing strong statewide nutrition, physical activity and screen time standards.
American Heart Association – Tennessee
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
The Nashville, TN, mayor amended an executive order (passed by her predecessor) to strengthen the city’s Complete Streets policy, expanding access to all modes of transportation for all users and promoting equity and transparency.
American Heart Association – Tennessee
Funded Campaigns
Preemption Efforts - 2023 to 2024
TIRRC and our partners will use a strategy involving base building, test legislation, legislative advocacy, and strategic communications to push against rampant state preemption tactics and advocate for the capacity of local governments.
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2023 to 2025
This campaign seeks to leverage relationships and rally public opinion across the state to influence Tennessee state policymakers to pass a no-cost, healthy school meals for all bill in 2024.
Tennessee Justice Center
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2021
A rapid response grant to fight against harmful preemption legislation in Tennessee.
AHA Tennessee
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2020
The purpose of this campaign is to fight harmful preemption proposals at the state level in Tennessee.
Stand Up Nashville
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2020 to 2021
This regional campaign seeks to increase water access in schools at the state and/or local level in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
AHA Tennessee
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2013 to 2014
A campaign to support Healthy food financing state legislation in Tennessee with at least 10 million in supporting appropriations.
Tennessee Obesity Taskforce
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Successfully fought harmful preemption threat to local authority that could have prevented local work on tobacco regulation, and potentially impacted other American Heart Association - policy areas as well.
American Heart Association - Texas and Every Texan
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Worked to pass legislation that will make it easier for people to access SNAP .
American Heart Association – Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Secured $6 million in funding for a SNAP incentive program ensuring SNAP participants will have more access to fruits and vegetables.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2022
On July 19th, 2022, the El Paso City Council unanimously approved a Complete Streets policy to improve the safety, health and quality of life for all who use El Paso streets
American Heart Association – Texas
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco.
American Heart Association – Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Texas passed a bill to simplify the certification and recertification requirements for Texas seniors and people with disabilities accessing SNAP benefits
American Heart Association – Texas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
The Austin Independent School District updated its Project Development Manual to include at least one bottle filling station on each floor, wing, or other building section of a school building
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
Dallas County approved $7 million for bike and pedestrian projects, with much of the funding targeting two of the most underserved zip codes in the county.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2020
Voters in Austin, TX, approved two ballot measures that will provide $38 million for sidewalk rehabilitation, Vision Zero/pedestrian safety and urban trails, and $5 million for parks and recreation projects in the city.
American Heart Association – Texas
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2019
The Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 952 into law, requiring child care licensing regulations be updated to improve nutrition, physical activity and screen time standards for both center-based and home-based childcare programs.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
Dallas allocated over $8 million to bike and pedestrian projects in city to make streets, sidewalks, and pathways safer for all.
American Heart Association – Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
Dallas County, TX incorporated healthy vending standards into their contracting process for food vending service providers, ensuring access to healthy food and beverage options on all county property.
American Heart Association – Texas
Preemption Efforts - 2019
Texas advocates worked diligently to stop a broad preemption bill that would have limited local lawmaking power and nullified many existing laws, including 104 comprehensive smoke-free ordinances.
Faith in Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The San Antonio, TX, 2019 budget included $9 million for sidewalks and $1 million for bike lanes and other pedestrian safety measures.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
Voters in Austin, TX, approved two ballot measures that will provide $38 million for sidewalk rehabilitation, Vision Zero/pedestrian safety and urban trails, and $5 million for parks and recreation projects in the city.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Voters in Dallas, TX, supported the 2017 Dallas Capital Bond program, securing tens of millions of dollars for walking and biking infrastructure throughout the city.
American Heart Association – Texas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017
Texas SB 1873 requires physical education quality reporting as part of the existing School Health Survey.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017
Travis County, TX, voters approved a transportation bond that allocate approximately $65 million to walking and biking projects over the life of the bond.
American Heart Association – Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016
Austin, TX, approved a budget that had $800,000 earmarked to expand access to nutritious food, including $500,000 for healthy food retail and $300,000 to expand SNAP outreach efforts.
American Heart Association – Texas
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Austin, TX, voters approved a transportation bond that included more than $110 million to support a Safe Routes to School program, as well as sidewalk, bikeway and urban trail construction and maintenance.
Bike Austin
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015
Austin, TX, secured funding to establish a healthy corner stores program to increase the availability of healthy food options in Austin.
American Heart Association – Texas
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023 to 2023
Texas campaign to secure statewide funding to support expansion of SNAP Incentive Programs.
AHA Texas
Preemption Efforts - 2022 to 2024
Every Texan is working on a campaign that will build public awareness, provide messaging and narrative change, and mobilize everyday Texans proactively against harmful state mandates.
Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2021
Working to protect the ability of local governments to enact strong health policies, including those that may be more stringent than state law like local smoke-free ordinances or measures deemed necessary during a public health emergency.
AHA Texas
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2021
Every Texan is focusing on protecting local policies from preemption during and beyond the 2021 Texas legislative session in addition to offensive strategies, working to repeal existing harmful preemption.
Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021 to 2022
A project working to convince school officials to pass policies to install water bottle filling stations with filters to remove lead to ensure kids’ access to safe drinking water in 3 Black and Brown communities.
Environment American Research & Policy Center
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2021
The American Heart Association in Texas is working with community partners to enact and implement a healthy kid's meal policy making healthier drinks the default choice in Austin, Texas.
AHA Texas
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
TOPEF is maximizing a new window of opportunity during the COVID pandemic to push for Medicaid expansion and to ensure that the healthcare needs of Texas’ communities of color are assessed, elevated, and addressed by policy makers.
Texas Organizing Project Education Fund
Preemption Efforts - 2020 to 2020
This campaign focuses on building a defensive strategy to protect local policies from preemption during the 2021 Texas legislative session (the next session in Texas’s biennial legislative cycle).
Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2019
This campaign is aimed at defeating a preemption bill that would eliminate the ability of local governments to regulate most business activity or pass any ordinance that impacts businesses in Texas.
AHA Texas
Preemption Efforts - 2018 to 2019
In the 2017 Texas Legislature, Faith in Texas experimented with a promising strategy to destabilize preemption efforts in the Texas Legislature. We want to scale up this strategy and go on offense against preemption in the 2019 Legislative Session.
Faith in Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2019
A campaign to support efforts to enact a policy and secure funding for a Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) – including a corner store initiative – in the City of Houston and Harris County.
AHA Texas
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Seeking funding to implement a statewide PE Quality campaign in TX.
AHA Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to develop a healthy food option for children at local restaurants by expanding the Healthy Food Choices program by designating new menu items in restaurants in Brownsville, T
Healthy Communities of Brownsville
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
A campaign that will generate a policy to support a Healthy Corner Store Program that will facilitate sustainable and relevant healthy food financing initiatives to improve access to quality, affordable, and healthier food options in communities with low incomes in Houston
Can Do Houston
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2019
A policy campaign with the goal of enacting and funding a Healthy Food Financing (HFFI) policy in the city of El Paso, Texas.
AHA Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets receiving funding from healthy food financing initiatives in underserved communities in the City of Dallas.
Children at Risk
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to establish a recognition program for out-of-school time providers that implement physical activity and healthy nutrition standards.
YMCA Austin
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016 to 2018
Campaign to educate community leaders to advocate for local financing mechanisms to create long-term funding for bicycling and walking trails and for creation and maintenance of local park facilities
La Union del Pueblo Entero
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
Healthy Food Financing campaign in Texas.
AHA Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
Campaign to support legislative appropriations between $5-10 million and create a Healthy Food Financing initiative to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets in underserved communities.
AHA Texas
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
A campaign to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets receiving funding from healthy food financing initiatives in underserved communities in the City of Dallas
Children at Risk
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Advocates prevented $400,000 in SNAP funding from being cut from the state budget, protecting the state's SNAP Double Up Food Bucks program.
American Heart Association – Utah
Preemption Efforts - 2021
Advocates mobilized to prevent a bill that would have preempted the state health department from protecting public health with regard to tobacco.
American Heart Association – Utah
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
The Salt Lake City Council approved their Capital Improvement Program Projects, which included over $13 million for bike and pedestrian infrastructure, with 82% of the funding dedicated to projects in low income communities.
American Heart Association – Utah
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019
Utah Governor signed House Bill 208 into law, codifying the state’s Safe Routes to School program with a priority to fund projects in low-income communities.
American Heart Association – Utah
Preemption Efforts - 2019
Advocates successfully worked with legislators to remove tobacco preemption language out of House Bill 324.
American Heart Association – Utah
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The Salt Lake City Council approved a $25 million sales tax initiative to fund improvements to the city’s active transportation system.
American Heart Association – Utah
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2017
The child care licensing standards for both centers and home-based care were updated to require more nutritious food service, increased physical activity opportunities and limited screen time to promote a healthier child care environment.
American Heart Association – Utah
Active, Equitable Communities - 2016
Salt Lake County, UT, voters passed a parks and recreation bond measure that included several million dollars in funding for sidewalks, bikeways and walking paths throughout the community.
American Heart Association – Utah
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2014
Utah Board of Education adopted standards for selling foods outside of meals in schools ensuring that foods meet nutritional quality standards.
American Heart Association – Utah
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2019
A campaign is to garner state-appropriated dollars to continue funding the infrastructure development & technical assistance needs of expanding SNAP incentive programs and to build out our system so these incentive programs can be utilized in stores.
AHA Utah
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
Collaborative work to secure $76.1 million in FY24, including overriding the Governor's veto, to support access to early care and education in Vermont.
Let's Grow Kids and American Heart Association - Vermont
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2022
Vermont approved $6 million in appropriations over three years for early childhood education reforms including expanding eligibility & reducing copays, stabilizing & strengthening the workforce and upgrading failing information technology systems.
American Heart Association – Vermont
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Vermont passed legislation that will provide universal free school meals, giving all kids a chance to thrive and succeed and increasing equity in schools.
American Heart Association – Vermont
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2016
Vermont Department for Children and Families adopted updated licensing standards for center-based and family-based care centers, improving nutrition and physical activity requirements and limiting screen time.
American Heart Association - Vermont
Funded Campaigns
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2020
To support the Vermont State Legislature in enacting legislation to establish nutrition standards for restaurant kids’ meals in Vermont, including the elimination of sugary drinks from kids meals.
AHA Vermont
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2019
A campaign to support wellness policy initiatives and support the RiseVT Wellness Specialist, who are embedded community members championing healthy behavior changes in local communities.
Northwestern Medical Center
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017 to 2018
RiseVT engage school communities in supporting and strengthening school wellness policies and committees across Franklin and Grand Isle Counties of Vermont.
Northwestern Medical Center
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
Campaign to pass legislation to establish nutrition standards for restaurant kids’ meals in Vermont and to support the Health in All Policies Task Force in identifying strategies to promote better health outcomes, including Procurement
AHA Vermont
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Campaign to support the VT State Legislature in enacting legislation to establish nutrition standards for restaurant kids’ meals in Vermont and to support the Health in All Policies Task Force in prioritizing policies, including Procurement.
AHA Vermont
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2014 to 2015
Goal is to pass a penny-per-ounce excise tax on sugary drinks in VT and use revenues to provide affordable health care to residents with low-incomes and fund an evaluated obesity education campaign that would highlight the dangers of sugary drinks.
AHA Vermont
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
For the first time, the Commonwealth of Virginia is funding SNAP incentives with $2 million over two years to improve nutritional access through farmers markets and community food retailers.
American Heart Association – Virginia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Advocates worked to pass SNAP "Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility," which will result in over $8 million in new SNAP benefits coming into the state.
American Heart Association – Virginia
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2021
Richmond Public Schools updated its school wellness policy to make water access in schools a priority for the district.
American Heart Association – Virginia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020
The Virginia legislature included a $1.25 million appropriation for SNAP incentives in the 2020-2022 biennium budget.
American Heart Association – Virginia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority is creating a six-year transportation plan that will support bicycle and pedestrian projects that will create or increase multimodal regional access for residents in low to moderate income communities.
American Heart Association – Virginia
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017
The Chesterfield County, VA, School Board adopted an update to the school wellness policy, bringing the school’s competitive food policy into full alignment with USDA standards for school foods.
American Heart Association – Virginia
Funded Campaigns
Family Economic Supports - 2020 to 2020
A campaign to gain access to adequate COVID-19 testing & healthcare, and to provide income support & stability for our economically burdened community by preventing the eviction of low-income people of color during and after this pandemic.
Tenants and Workers United
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Campaign to improve awareness and visibility of existing availability; and help shift the Virginia retail environment to be a force for building healthier communities and neighborhoods.
Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth (VFHY)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
Healthy Food Financing campaign work in Virginia.
AHA Virginia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2015 to 2016
The goal of this campaign is to secure $5 million in public funding to create or expand Healthy Food Financing initiatives to increase the number of healthy food retail outlets (grocery stores) in underserved communities.
AHA Virginia
Policy Wins
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
$7.5 million in public funding secured for Tribal Early Learning, increasing access to quality, culturally competent childcare for tribal communities in Washington.
The Suquamish Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Washington passed HB 1878 which would expand free meals to over 92,000 students and cover the excess cost for implementing the program.
American Heart Association – Washington
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Advocates helped secure additional state investment in the statewide Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Program (FVIP), which provides a match to SNAP shoppers to purchase additional fruits and vegetables
American Heart Association – Washington
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021
Advocates worked for multiple years to develop an Early Head Start pilot program that grew into $18.7-million-funded Early Head Start program, as well as to codify the program into state law.
Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Seattle, Wash., approved $308,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to support the Produce Prescription pilot program through the Seattle Indian Health Board.
American Heart Association – Washington
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The Seattle 2020 budget included a $2.7 million investment in the City’s Fresh Bucks program, which offers a match to SNAP participants purchasing fruits and vegetables at authorized retailers.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018
The Washington child care licensing rules were updated for family-home and center-based childcare settings throughout the state, improving nutrition, physical activity and screen time standards.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Seattle City Council approved the mayor’s 2018 budget, which includes $2.4 million for the city’s Fresh Bucks SNAP incentive program. The money is available thanks to the newly enacted sugary drink tax, which generated an estimate $14 million in 2018.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2017
Washington HB 1235 requires physical education quality reporting at the school, district and state levels, assessing key factors of quality PE to help strengthen physical education programs throughout the state.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017
The Seattle, WA, City Council approved a 1.75 cent per ounce excise tax on sugary drinks, with generated funds used to support public health initiatives.
American Heart Association – Washington
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2015
Washington secured $5 million in funding for a “Healthy Kids Healthy Schools” grant program that can fund projects such as water bottle filling stations.
American Heart Association – Washington
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
Washington SB 5988 secured $75 million for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Grant Program, $89 million for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Project List and $56 million for Safe Routes to School as part of a 16-year transportation package.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
Washington HB 1299 secured $15.3 million for walking and biking infrastructure to support active transportation across the state.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
Funded Campaigns
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2021 to 2023
The Suquamish Foundation and Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP are working to establish a $5 million tribal early learning fund to support families gaining access to critical Head Start and ECEAP programs.
The Suquamish Foundation
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2021
A policy campaign to help establish a state-funded Early Head Start program for Washington State's most at-risk pregnant moms, infants, and toddlers.
Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2020
By Tribal Resolution, we are proposing to adopt a sugary food and beverage tax that would place on all tribal enterprise business' within the boundaries of the Lummi Nation.
Lhaqtemish Foundation
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2020 to 2021
A campaign working to pass a statewide sugary drink tax to decrease sales and consumption and support solutions in communities most burdened by health inequity. This funding is supporting campaign management and execution.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2019
Campaign to support a sugary drink tax in Washington State.
AHA Washington
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2019 to 2019
A campaign aimed at securing $146 - $208 million in funding for technical assistance, dedicated equipment, student instruction, & facilities improvement for PE programs in high-needs schools in the two largest counties in Washington state.
IAF Northwest
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019 to 2020
COPC seeks to further our health equity work to push for lasting system changes to create healthier food and beverage choices and increase access for the general public.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2019 to 2019
A legislative campaign that seeks to both protect and expand our previous policy wins in two related policy levers: 1) bike and pedestrian appropriations; and 2) safe routes to school appropriations.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Preemption Efforts - 2018 to 2018
I-1634 is a statewide ballot measure that will appear before Washington State voters in less than two weeks. With polling holding around 50%, an investment by the AHA in social media could be a game changer for this campaign.
AHA Washington
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2018 to 2019
We will advocate for a new state budget appropriation to enable a systemwide EBT processing approach to capture all SNAP nutrition incentives for shoppers with the ultimate goal of providing greater access to affordable healthy food.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2018 to 2020
A campaign in Washington State to establish state Early Head Start funding for our most at-risk pregnant moms, infants, and toddlers.
Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2018 to 2019
A campaign aimed at securing $146 - $208 million in funding for technical assistance, dedicated equipment, student instruction, & facilities improvement to enhance PE programs in high-needs schools in the two largest counties in Washington state.
IAF Northwest
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2017
Pass a tax of at least one penny per ounce on sugary drinks in Seattle, WA.
AHA Washington
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2016 to 2018
To strengthen policies in all state licensed early learning settings to get child care population to eat healthier and move more for all children in WA state served by state-licensed child care providers.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Looking at enacting a statewide bill that supports Physical Education Assessment.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2016 to 2017
Seeking funding to implement a multi-phase strategy to get Washington state to adopt and actually implement a 150 minute per week standard for elementary school physical education.
IAF Northwest
Active, Equitable Communities - 2014 to 2016
A campaign to increase state funding for Safe Routes to Schools through the passage of a new statewide transportation revenue package, funded by an increase in gas tax.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Policy Wins
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2023
Defeat of a dangerous preemption bill, written by an attorney for Reynolds American (tobacco company) that would have negatively impacted local authority over tobacco products
American Heart Association – West Virginia
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2022
Advocates defeated a bill that would have preempted local ordinances on tobacco and other commercial products.
American Heart Association – West Virginia
West Virginia
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
West Virginia passed a water bottle filling station policy that requires new buildings and major renovations to include filling stations providing kids access to fresh water.
American Heart Association – West Virginia
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2020
Advocates in West Virginia defended against several preemptive bills to protect the rights of local governments.
The American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2019
Preemptive language was successfully removed from a West Virginia bill, preserving the rights of local governments to regulate the sale, marketing and use of tobacco products.
American Heart Association – West Virginia
West Virginia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015
West Virginia passed SB 238, allowing members of the community to use school property for recreational use outside of school hours.
American Heart Association – West Virginia
Funded Campaigns
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2022 to 2024
Coalition for Tobacco-Free West Virginia is strengthening cross-issue coordination through a proactive approach by identifying diverse champions, partners, and stakeholders, and educating local communities on the dangers of preemption.
Coalition for Tobacco-Free West Virginia
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2021 to 2021
By activating an established, cross-sectional statewide coalition, the coalition will implement funds to monitor and respond to legislative activity including threats to preempt local action across public health issues, smoke-free air in particular.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2020
A campaign to educate the public & policy makers about the health benefits associated with local public health policies & the consequences of industry-supported preemption laws designed to restrict innovative local policy making & preserve profits.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
West Virginia
Preemption Efforts - 2019 to 2019
The WV Tobacco Coalition is diligently working to defeat preemption on two fronts: preemption on local-smoke-free regulations and preemption on the retail sale and distribution of tobacco products.
AHA West Virginia
West Virginia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2017 to 2018
A grant to support and strengthen lobbying efforts on our sugary drinks tax campaign
AHA West Virginia
West Virginia
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2016 to 2017
A campaign to increase West Virginia's sugary drink excise tax by at least 1 cent per ounce.
AHA West Virginia
West Virginia
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2016
A campaign to secure $300,000 of state appropriated funding to assist in implementing shared use legislation.
West Virginia Healthy Kids
Policy Wins
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2023
Over $235k of funding in Dane County, Wisconsin went to support a SNAP incentive program, increasing access to healthy foods.
American Heart Association – Wisconsin
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2023
A successful campaign for an appropriation of $27 million in the state budget, allowing for eligibility expansion for the WI Shares Child Care Subsidy program.
Kids Forward and American Heart Assoication - Wisconsin
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2022
Milwaukee County, Wis., allocated $1.1 million of American Rescue Plan Act funds to the Milwaukee Market Match program, which provides matching dollars to participants in the Food Share for purchasing fruits and vegetables at farmers markets.
American Heart Association – Wisconsin
Healthy, Equitable Schools - 2022
School Wellness Policy in Madison, Wisconsin was updated to require all new and renovated school buildings to include adequate water bottle filling stations, increasing access to no-cost, clean drinking water.
American Heart Association – Wisconsin
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2021
Advocates worked to ensure the state did not lose its eligibility for enhanced SNAP funding of $50 million.
American Heart Association – Wisconsin
Healthy, Accessible Food and Drinks - 2019
The mayor of Madison, WI, signed an executive order implementing nutrition standards for vending machines on all city-owned or managed properties, helping ensure nutritious foods are available to employees and the public.
American Heart Association – Wisconsin
Active, Equitable Communities - 2018
The Milwaukee, WI, City Council adopted a new Complete Streets policy, which will expand transportation options for all users regardless of age, race, ethnicity, income or ability
Wisconsin Bike Fed
Funded Campaigns
Infants, Toddlers and Early Childhood - 2020 to 2021
A campaign working to increase access and affordability to quality early care and education programs in WI as a way to address racial equity, connect families and children to healthy eating and mental health supports, & grow healthier, happier kids.
Kids Forward (formerly Wisconsin Council on Children and Families)
Active, Equitable Communities - 2017 to 2018
Using both a central coordinator and 5 community groups, Connect MKE will pass a complete streets ordinance that focuses on equity and implementation
Wisconsin Bike Fed
Active, Equitable Communities - 2015 to 2015
The goal of this campaign is to defend the existing Complete Streets law and at the same time, defend the dollars that are going to Wisconsin Transportation Alternatives Program.
AHA Wisconsin
Policy Wins
Preemption Efforts - 2020
There was a successful campaign in Wyoming to defend against preemptive language in the tobacco tax bill, stopping the legislature from removing local authority on tobacco control.
American Heart Association – Wyoming
Funded Campaigns
Voices for Healthy Kids believes change starts within the community. Passionate parents, teachers, neighbors, and advocates know best the healthy changes that will improve their communities’ health and lives.
But for far too long, there has been a disconnect between powerful institutions in the public and non-profit sectors and the lived experiences of the communities they represent. Discriminatory policies, practices, and beliefs perpetuate this power imbalance, undermining community ownership and self-determination.
This must change.
Voices for Healthy Kids exists to amplify the needs and solutions of community leaders who are advocating for changes in policy, systems, and environments. Our investments are pointed at and directed to the people who know how to create change and improve health outcomes where they live. We’re coalition-builders, advocates, and connectors who use the American Heart Association's resources and political capital to recognize the tremendous power already within Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian Native, Pacific Islander, and Asian American communities and families with low incomes.
By trusting, supporting, and investing in the people and places experiencing the greatest health inequities, we can remove barriers that stand in the way of healthy, thriving children and families everywhere.
Commitment to Racial Equity
From its inception, Voices for Healthy Kids has had an unwavering commitment to the inclusion of health equity across our organization, and we continuously seek improvement. To fully realize our mission, we must address the inequities, biases, and racism that purposefully exist in current systems and policies, and have intentionally marginalized or excluded some communities. We need to work to understand how they have impacted the lives of children, and then do everything we can to change our racist and oppressive systems.
“We are committed to centering health equity and racial justice in our work. It is our responsibility to elevate communities that have been systemically marginalized and oppressed, in order to create sustainable policy solutions.”
— April Wallace, Health Equity Partnership Manager, Voices for Healthy Kids
In collaboration with community groups, we are advancing policies that prioritize to people experiencing the greatest health disparities — those who are Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American and families who have low incomes. Together, we are helping to build a more equitable nation.
In FY 2020 - 2021, we:
Diversified our Strategic Advisory Committee, which had historically only included national organizations, to include community-based organizations that represent Black and Indigenous communities and other people of color.
Expanded our Policy Research Network to include equity-focused research experts who challenge us to see shortcomings in our research efforts, such as design and methodology; help get us closer to root causes of inequities; and become more anti-racist in our policy agenda. These experts’ knowledge is having ripple effects beyond Voices for Healthy Kids — reaching others with whom we work to dismantle inequities every day.
Expanded our research vendors and advisors to include a community of diverse evaluators who drive and support the practice of culturally responsive and equitable evaluation.
Identified geographies experiencing the greatest health disparities and focused our grantmaking on these places. We also piloted strategies to ensure funding is directed to organizations with diverse leadership and that grantees are engaging communities of color, high-poverty areas, and areas with high food insecurity.
Created a new Racial Equity in Public Policy Guide to advance both equitable policies and conversations about structural racism. We disseminated the guide widely and provided trainings to organizations, public health leaders, and funders nationwide on its use.
Continued to deepen our staff’s personal and professional understanding of racial equity through ongoing training, strategy sessions, and leadership commitments.
"Voices has always focused on equity. It drives me so much every day. They really got me engaged and feeling passionate about addressing health disparities.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee (submitted anonymously)
Particularly in this past year, Voices for Healthy Kids has fostered a learning community—one where we weren’t just imparting campaign guidance, skills, and technical assistance but also learning from campaigns and communities. One way in which we did this was by intentionally building diverse relationships, including adding additional leadership to ask us hard questions and hold us accountable for centering racial equity in absolutely everything we do.
Strategic Advisory Committee
We added six additional members, four of whom work for community-based organizations and represent the communities we serve to our Strategic Advisory Committee, which provides strategic guidance and direction. They explore and advance key movement-wide topics that broadly impact member organizations and deepen our understanding and commitments around equity. One of these members is Hispanic Unity of Florida, a former Voices for Healthy Kids grantee for whom we provided technical assistance as they advocated for rights for immigrant families to be included in the COVID-19 federal relief package and for Medicaid and SNAP expansion. Building off our work in Indian Country and the relationships we’ve developed, there is now a representative, Tasha Fridia, from the Oglala-Sioux Tribe on the Strategic Advisory Committee. Another one of our new members is our chair, Donna Arnett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., B.S.N., dean of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health.
Their perspectives, as recipients of our grants and services, as well as their on-the-ground knowledge about the communities we serve, are invaluable.
We also formed new collaborations to help us build leadership, on-the-ground connections, and better understanding of the lived experiences of communities, and make plans to turn our ideas into action.
Health Leaders for Healthy Kids
This is a collaborative of more than a dozen organizations representing health care providers across disciplines that have committed to lending their voices to local policy campaigns through community conversations, speaking to the media, testifying at public hearings, meeting with lawmakers, and more.
Sugary Drink/Healthy Hydration National Collaborative
This collaborative provides an inclusive convening space for local, state, tribal, and national stakeholders involved in efforts to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and increase healthy hydration – especially among children in communities with the highest prevalence of diseases related to sugary drink consumption, most targeted by beverage companies, and most likely to lack access to appealing, no-cost drinking water.
Collaborations with Native American and Alaskan Native Communities
Voices for Healthy Kids’ work with Indian Country began as a singular Fertile Ground grant program and has grown to include voices and perspectives that impact our policymaking and grantmaking practices. Some of the new voices representing Native American perspectives and strengthening cultural understanding around policymaking are:
Ahniwake Rose, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Policy Institute, who serves as a technical assistance provider for our Indian Country funded campaigns
Tasha Fridia, who represents the Ogalala-Sioux on the Strategic Advisory Committee
Renee Goldtooth of Notah Begay 3 Foundation, who collaborates with our Policy Research Network workgroup
Rose James, PhD of the Urban Indian Health Institute, who serves as a Health Leaders for Healthy Kids member and Policy Research Network member
Innovation, Equity, and Exploration Workgroups
Our Innovation, Equity, and Exploration Workgroups (IEE) explore policy questions to advance advocacy innovation and health equity, look at how policy issues overlap, and support dialogue on social, demographic, policy, and other trends related to our priorities. This past year, the workgroups focused on:
Exploring equity in access to early care and education programs, Head Start, and Early Head Start Policies, including state discriminatory practices, led by the National Head Start Association.
Exploring how to implement and expand healthy school meals for all and the Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP) to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. This included looking at districts that adopted the policies and identifying barriers and benefits of states and districts in pursuing either approach, led by the Tisch Center for Food, Education and Policy.
Developing a new policy lever on WIC access and needs, based on research and a landscape analysis conducted by the IEE workgroup focusing on state-by-state enrollment methods, led by Voices for Georgia’s Children.
Creating tribal policy lever recommendations to improve food quality and systems and meet early childhood education needs in Indigenous populations, and create a culturally appropriate advocacy resource, led by American Indian Cancer Foundation.
Our Approach to Research
As always, the American Heart Association’s trusted science continues to play a foundational role in supporting Voices for Healthy Kids’ policy change efforts. It grows the evidence base for new and existing policies and provides trusted, evidence-based resources and materials to campaigns.
Recognizing gaps in our lived experiences of racial and socio-economic inequities, Voices for Healthy Kids better aligned our research network to reflect the needs of the communities we serve. This required recruiting new research experts from the University of Miami School of Medicine, Urban Indian Health Institute, Urban Institute, County Health Rankings, and the Council on Black Health, and then launching the equity-focused Policy Research Advisory Group. These experts are part of our larger Policy Research Network, formed in 2014, and include Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded research partners, American Heart Association professional volunteers (clinicians and scientists), academic institutions, and individual researchers.
We also expanded our pool of our research vendors to include a community of diverse evaluators who expertly drive and support the practice of culturally responsive and equitable evaluation.
Finally, this year, we also conducted research and authored studies about urgent public health issues, such as sugary drink consumption, that disproportionately impact communities of color and families with low incomes. Voices for Healthy Kids Senior Manager for Policy Research, Dr. Stephanie Scarmo co-authored with Drs. Jim Krieger, Sara Bleich, and Shu Wen Ng Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Reduction Policies: Progress and Promise, which reviewed policies that have been used to reduce sugary drink exposure and consumption.
How We Work
Service to Campaigns
Voices for Healthy Kids has always hoped to help our collaborators and grantees build advocacy skills as they work to improve the health of children in communities across the country. In years past, our team has traveled around the country convening advocates and allies for trainings and conferences.
We had to learn how to work with grantees and organizations differently in 2020 and 2021. Pivoting quickly in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we converted what were typically in-person gatherings into virtual trainings. This shift allowed us to be more inclusive and reach more people. We trained not just campaign leaders but also their coalition partners, members, and supporters. And we helped them learn how to train others in the community.
We were grateful we could apply our expertise in a way that reached far more people than ever before. Along the way, we worked with communities to help build strong, inclusive campaign infrastructure that extends far beyond a single policy win or issue. Campaigns are now equipped and emboldened to initiate and sustain conversations among supporters and policymakers about how we make communities healthier for children.
“It’s definitely increased our capacity. All of these topics are things that I can carry on to future campaigns. And for the rest of my career.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee(submitted anonymously)
"I think [training and technical assistance] allowed us to think in a more structured way about campaigns. It gave us the support to be able to learn the policy process and build the capacity of our organization.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee(submitted anonymously)
Highlights from the year include:
Developing a five-part training for Kids Forward Wisconsin and its early childhood education coalition partners. In Effectively Communicating with Lawmakers and Beyond, participants learned about the legislative process, tips for communicating their story as it relates to legislative requests, and tips for effectively communicating with lawmakers and beyond to advance campaign priorities. They also had the opportunity to hear directly from Wisconsin legislative staff and to apply their learnings by participating in mock interviews and meetings.
Working with the Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham, we conducted a training series for the Women’s Policy Institute inaugural class of Fellows. The Fellows are community-based leaders who play a role in shaping and implementing policies that address the needs of women across the state. Fellows were trained in campaign planning, media advocacy, messaging, grassroots organizing, and social media.
Creating a Racial Equity in Public Policy Message Guide to share with collaborators and allies, and then launching a training series to support its use. This resource is designed to advance both equitable policies and conversations about structural racism with policymakers.
“That health equity messaging guide has been super helpful, and I’ve shared that around to some partners as well. And I think it’s really well done and it gives really clear and straightforward information about how to make sure that equity is front and center in your campaign.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee(submitted anonymously)
In FY 2020 - 2021, Voices for Healthy Kids awarded 57 grants to organizations advancing racial and health equity to improve the health of children, families, and communities.
December 2020: $2.5 million to 16 community health organizations in 14 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC, to increase access to and incentives for healthy food and drinks and early education. The funding addresses economic security, such as ensuring children and families have access to quality, affordable early care and education, as well as food security and healthy eating by expanding state funding for SNAP, increasing access to no-cost water in schools, and building community support for healthy kids’ meals and taxes on sugary drinks.
June 2021: $1 million to five community organizations to promote nutrition and economic security in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. The funding will help advance policies for improving health equity, with a focus on early care and education, food security and access to water in schools.
“These grants are one piece of our commitment to solving deeply sown societal issues that keep entire populations from reaping the health benefits of economic security, food security, and access to safe places to be active.”
— Donna Arnett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., B.S.N., chair of Voices for Healthy Kids’ Strategic Advisory Committee, Dean of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, and past president of the American Heart Association
Voices for Healthy Kids also launched a preemption policy fund to protect local democracies and advance equity. The fund, backed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and The Rockefeller Foundation, awards grants to organizations that protect the local right to advocate for and implement equitable policies and fight special industry groups that threaten the health and economic security of their communities.
We made significant changes to the way we approach our grantmaking, too—using data tools to inform where we fund, whom we fund, and how we evaluate grant applications and success.
Where We Fund
Using a detailed rubric based on data, we are able to prioritize areas in the country to fund: awarding grants to the geographies experiencing the greatest health disparities as measured by childhood obesity rate, percentage of the people of color, percentage of children under the federal poverty level and the percentage of children who are food insecure.
Who We Fund
Voices for Healthy Kids believes in lived experiences as important qualifications in community led policy change work. We also acknowledge, currently and historically, that organizations led by people of color face more barriers and receive less funding than white led organizations. As breaking down racial and health disparities is key to the Voices for Healthy Kids mission, we are committed to increasing funding to organizations and campaigns that have leadership that is Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian Native, Pacific Islander, and Asian American.
How We Evaluate
In addition to prioritizing location and evaluating leadership diversity, grant applicants are evaluated based on their potential to reduce health disparities, engagement and power building in communities most impacted, experience in changing policy, understanding of the historical context of the issues and inequities.
Policy Priorities
Policy Priorities
Voices for Healthy Kids focuses our efforts on the places that have been disinvested in for far too long: Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American communities and families with low income. We advance equitable policies that make the places where kids and their families live, learn, and play healthier. These policies make healthier options more accessible and affordable for all families. We work to:
Making healthy, affordable food easily available and decreasing the consumption of sugary beverages
Without access to affordable healthy food and drinks, a nutritious diet and good health are out of reach. We support state, local, and tribal policies that increase access to healthy food and beverages, make it easier to eat healthy, and drive industry innovation to improve the food and drinks we all need.
Sugary Drinks
In 2020, we conducted message research, to help inform our advocacy efforts to decrease sugary drink consumption. We turned our findings into several messaging resources and a complementary creative suite that help advocates talk about the long-term health outcomes of sugary drinks, how sugary drink tax revenue can support community programs, and the unjust marketing to communities of color and families with low income. We took the resources on a virtual roadshow, training advocates and organizations across the country in how to use them. For example, we presented at the Center for Science and Public Interest’s 2021 Sugary Drink Summit, which brought together public health experts and advocates working to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks.
In spring 2021, we built off that research to learn more about Latino adults’ attitudes about sugary drinks and campaigns to reduce consumption of those drinks. The findings from the national survey can be used by campaigns to help engage the Latino community in these efforts.
“We've been using these [sugary drink] resources and find them extremely helpful! “
— Jane Kramer, Co-founder of Sugar Smart Coalition, Founder of Michigan Advocates for Healthy Checkouts
These tools were also informed by our work with grantees who have fought hard to change policy in their communities. Advocates in Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo were successful in getting policies or ordinances passed to make healthy drink options the default option on kids’ meals in restaurants.
A tax on sugary drinks and junk food, originally established in 2014 and set to expire in 2020, was extended in the Navajo Nation, particularly important to address health concerns impacting the Diné community. It is the first such policy in the world, serving as an example of tribal sovereignty to support community wellness, and revenue taxes have funded more than 1,300 community-selected wellness projects across the Navajo Nation, including community fitness classes, greenhouses, youth clubs, clean water initiatives, Navajo language and culture classes, and more.
Other cities, like Philadelphia, celebrated sugary drink tax anniversaries. Since Philadelphia implemented the beverage tax, there have been notable health impacts, such as a 38% reduction in sugary drink purchases according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Funding from the sugary drink tax has been used to support thousands of pre-K slots, more than a dozen community schools, and improvements to parks and recreation centers. The city focuses funding in areas lacking child care options and communities with greater numbers of families with low incomes.
Cities like Seattle have been able to address hunger with funding from sugary drink tax revenue. Last year, a community-driven campaign directed tax revenues to help feed families who were food insecure during COVID-19. Voices for Healthy Kids also awarded grants to help partners in over a dozen states push for extending food assistance benefits. See the Special Report: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grantees for more.
Ensuring early childhood programs and services are accessible and of high quality for families with low incomes
The more frequently infants and toddlers can be in healthy and supportive learning environments, the more likely they will be emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy and thrive, and of course, their parents will be supported. We fund and support early childhood development opportunities at the state and local levels, with a focus on children growing up in communities historically underserved or even excluded from economic opportunity.
For example, in FY 2020 - 2021, we supported advocates in Multnomah County, Oregon, to establish a “preschool for all” program, which prioritizes the community’s toddlers and children who currently have the least access, children who speak languages other than English, and children experiencing poverty. The program also provides special support for children with developmental delays and disabilities while building toward a fully universal system, and provides up to six hours per day of tuition-free, developmentally appropriate early learning, reflecting best practices.
And, next door in Washington state, Voices for Healthy Kids continued to support advocates who worked for multiple years to develop an Early Head Start pilot program that grew into $18.7-million-funded Early Head Start program, as well as to codify the program into state law.
In St. Louis, voters approved Proposition R, which will raise $2.3 million annually for early childhood programs and services each year, equitably allocated to programs serving infants and toddlers in the city’s most divested communities - a policy change made possible by Voices for Healthy Kids grantee WEPOWER.
And, most recently, our grantmaking and support extended to increase accessibility for child care workers in Colorado. This is particularly important, as early care and education centers have been closed or are severely understaffed as result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many people — particularly the women and people of color who typically work in child care jobs — in the U.S. are unemployed. Now, barriers to obtaining professional and commercial child care licenses have been removed for undocumented immigrants, a huge victory for efforts to dismantle employment discrimination, and in turn, support working parents and the Colorado workforce and economy.
Preventing states, industry, and special interests from blocking local actions that promote health, well-being, and equity
Local governments are uniquely positioned to meet the needs of the people in their communities by reflecting local context and values. Depending on the community, that could mean passing local laws to improve quality of life through sugary drink taxes, paid sick leave, smoke-free worksites, limited use of plastic bags, or equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.
Voices for Healthy Kids supports coalitions that defend local governments’ ability to promote health, well-being, and equity against efforts that would allow the state to prevent local action. This kind of state and corporate interference is often referred to as preemption.
It’s not an easy task to define preemption -- and it’s even more difficult to shape a new narrative about it and motivate audiences to allow for local communities to make their own decisions about the issues that affect them. With insights from messaging research, Voices for Healthy Kids developed a message manual to help campaigns talk about preemption effectively, as well as a complementary creative toolkit. As we do with all of our messaging and toolkit projects, the materials were supported by several trainings on how to use them.
Improving schools’ health and wellness policies and practices
Children — no matter where they live or what grade they are in — benefit from healthy food and clean water. That’s why we are committed to building healthy school environments. We do this by promoting good nutrition and access to safe and appealing water at no cost in all schools, especially those that have been historically under-resourced or excluded from economic opportunity.
In FY 2020 - 2021, Voices for Healthy Kids funded the California Association of Food Banks and the Center for Ecoliteracy, which led California to become the first state in the nation to permanently adopt free school meals for all K–12 students.
Voices for Healthy Kids also funded and supported four campaigns that advocated for improved access to water at schools in Tennessee,Arkansas, Texas, and Mississippi. Now, all new schools undergoing major renovations or newly built in Arkansas and Hamilton County, Tennessee will require water bottle filling stations. In Austin, Texas, public schools will include more water bottle filling stations in indoor and outdoor common spaces. And in Brookhaven, Mississippi, both staff and students are now allowed to carry water bottles.
Special Report: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Outcomes
Special Report: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Outcomes
Last spring, Voices for Healthy Kids quickly developed a new grant opportunity to provide rapid response dollars to help address the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; $1 million was awarded to organizations across 19 states, Puerto Rico, and the Lummi Nation in Washington state. Many of the organizations support communities hardest hit by the pandemic so they, too, needed to adapt quickly. With the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants, these organizations were able to direct resources to the compounding hardships facing children and families around the country.
Acting with Urgency
Recognizing the devastating impact of COVID-19, the community organizations mobilized with purpose and urgency — focusing their advocacy on the health, food, housing, and economic insecurities intensified by the pandemic. Not only did the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants provide direct dollars to support the work; they also created connections across communities and among advocates working on similar issues across the country. This enabled grantees to collaborate in new ways and expanded the Voices for Healthy Kids network to include new organizations that remain active in our network.
Addressing Health Inequities
Grantees pushed to address health inequities, such as making COVID-19 testing and other critical health services more accessible in communities of color. Some organizations were able to have an impact just a few short months after grants were awarded, including grantees who advocated for the expansion of Medicaid in Missouri and Oklahoma. Following on the work of grantees in these two states, advocates in North Carolina and Texas have also been raising public awareness and civic engagement around healthcare needs, laying the groundwork for Medicaid expansion.
Improving Access to Healthy Food
As COVID-19 exposed critical weaknesses in our food systems, grantees in several states also advanced policies to help children and families access healthy food. For example:
Along with others across the country, Alabama Arise successfully engaged federal policymakers to push for an increase in monthly SNAP benefits and an extension of pandemic EBT benefits. At the state level, Nebraska Appleseed led a diverse coalition to push state policymakers to adopt the federal pandemic EBT option to provide food assistance resources to tens of thousands of households across Nebraska.
Cultiva La Salud forged enduring community partnerships that allowed them to continue offering school meals to children in four school districts in California during the summer of 2020. By identifying and removing barriers to participation in school meal programs, their approach ensured that the greatest number of children over the greatest number of days received summer meals. Their efforts over the summer had a positive impact on fall meal operations in the targeted school districts, too.
The Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice launched a campaign to apply the state’s funding from the federal CARES Act purchase of local produce by food banks. This campaign not only responded to an immediate need due to the pandemic; it also initiated a longer-term conversation about the role food nonprofits play in building resilient community-based food systems.
“This award afforded us the opportunity to bring together a very valuable partnership. Because of it, we could gather initial data from school districts and parents, which was foundational to our continued advocacy related to promoting school meals.”
- Cultiva La Salud
ACCESS Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
Alabama Arise
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance
Beyond Housing
California Association of Food Banks
California Walks
Center for Health Progress
Center for Rural Affairs
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Coalition for Social Justice Ed Fund
Community Farm Alliance
Community Health Council of Wyandotte County
Cultiva La Salud
DC Greens
Dine' Food Sovereignty Alliance
Equality Ohio Education Fund
Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
First Nations Development Institute
Fusion Partnership fiscal sponsor for SPACEs In Action
Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
Hawai‘i Public Health Institute
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc.
Hunger Action Los Angeles
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
Kids Forward (formerly Wisconsin Council on Children and Families)
Lhaqtemish Foundation
MA Food System Collaborative
Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Make the Road New York
Maryland Medical Society - MedChi
Michigan Chapter American Academy of Pediatric
Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative
NAACP Maryland State Conference
Nebraska Appleseed
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Oral Health Kansas
Pinnacle Prevention
Policy Institute for the Children of Louisiana
Rhode Island Public Health Institute
Rural Economic Development Center, Inc.
Small Business Majority Foundation Inc.
Stand Up Nashville
Statewide Alignment Group (SWAG)
Tenants and Workers United
Texas Organizing Project Education Fund
The Food Trust
The Women's Fund of Greater Birmingham
Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition
Together Louisiana
Voices for Georgia's Children
Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP
Youth Development Institute
IntroductionCommitment to Racial EquityLeadership & CollaborationOur Approach to ResearchHow We WorkPolicy PrioritiesSpecial Report: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant OutcomesGrantees
Voices for Healthy Kids believes change starts within the community. Passionate parents, teachers, neighbors, and advocates know best the healthy changes that will improve their communities’ health and lives.
But for far too long, there has been a disconnect between powerful institutions in the public and non-profit sectors and the lived experiences of the communities they represent. Discriminatory policies, practices, and beliefs perpetuate this power imbalance, undermining community ownership and self-determination.
This must change.
Voices for Healthy Kids exists to amplify the needs and solutions of community leaders who are advocating for changes in policy, systems, and environments. Our investments are pointed at and directed to the people who know how to create change and improve health outcomes where they live. We’re coalition-builders, advocates, and connectors who use the American Heart Association's resources and political capital to recognize the tremendous power already within Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian Native, Pacific Islander, and Asian American communities and families with low incomes.
By trusting, supporting, and investing in the people and places experiencing the greatest health inequities, we can remove barriers that stand in the way of healthy, thriving children and families everywhere.
From its inception, Voices for Healthy Kids has had an unwavering commitment to the inclusion of health equity across our organization, and we continuously seek improvement. To fully realize our mission, we must address the inequities, biases, and racism that purposefully exist in current systems and policies, and have intentionally marginalized or excluded some communities. We need to work to understand how they have impacted the lives of children, and then do everything we can to change our racist and oppressive systems.
“We are committed to centering health equity and racial justice in our work. It is our responsibility to elevate communities that have been systemically marginalized and oppressed, in order to create sustainable policy solutions.”
— April Wallace, Health Equity Partnership Manager, Voices for Healthy Kids
In collaboration with community groups, we are advancing policies that prioritize to people experiencing the greatest health disparities — those who are Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American and families who have low incomes. Together, we are helping to build a more equitable nation.
In FY 2020 - 2021, we:
Diversified our Strategic Advisory Committee, which had historically only included national organizations, to include community-based organizations that represent Black and Indigenous communities and other people of color.
Expanded our Policy Research Network to include equity-focused research experts who challenge us to see shortcomings in our research efforts, such as design and methodology; help get us closer to root causes of inequities; and become more anti-racist in our policy agenda. These experts’ knowledge is having ripple effects beyond Voices for Healthy Kids — reaching others with whom we work to dismantle inequities every day.
Expanded our research vendors and advisors to include a community of diverse evaluators who drive and support the practice of culturally responsive and equitable evaluation.
Identified geographies experiencing the greatest health disparities and focused our grantmaking on these places. We also piloted strategies to ensure funding is directed to organizations with diverse leadership and that grantees are engaging communities of color, high-poverty areas, and areas with high food insecurity.
Created a new Racial Equity in Public Policy Guide to advance both equitable policies and conversations about structural racism. We disseminated the guide widely and provided trainings to organizations, public health leaders, and funders nationwide on its use.
Continued to deepen our staff’s personal and professional understanding of racial equity through ongoing training, strategy sessions, and leadership commitments.
"Voices has always focused on equity. It drives me so much every day. They really got me engaged and feeling passionate about addressing health disparities.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee (submitted anonymously)
Particularly in this past year, Voices for Healthy Kids has fostered a learning community—one where we weren’t just imparting campaign guidance, skills, and technical assistance but also learning from campaigns and communities. One way in which we did this was by intentionally building diverse relationships, including adding additional leadership to ask us hard questions and hold us accountable for centering racial equity in absolutely everything we do.
Strategic Advisory Committee
We added six additional members, four of whom work for community-based organizations and represent the communities we serve to our Strategic Advisory Committee, which provides strategic guidance and direction. They explore and advance key movement-wide topics that broadly impact member organizations and deepen our understanding and commitments around equity. One of these members is Hispanic Unity of Florida, a former Voices for Healthy Kids grantee for whom we provided technical assistance as they advocated for rights for immigrant families to be included in the COVID-19 federal relief package and for Medicaid and SNAP expansion. Building off our work in Indian Country and the relationships we’ve developed, there is now a representative, Tasha Fridia, from the Oglala-Sioux Tribe on the Strategic Advisory Committee. Another one of our new members is our chair, Donna Arnett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., B.S.N., dean of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health.
Their perspectives, as recipients of our grants and services, as well as their on-the-ground knowledge about the communities we serve, are invaluable.
We also formed new collaborations to help us build leadership, on-the-ground connections, and better understanding of the lived experiences of communities, and make plans to turn our ideas into action.
Health Leaders for Healthy Kids
This is a collaborative of more than a dozen organizations representing health care providers across disciplines that have committed to lending their voices to local policy campaigns through community conversations, speaking to the media, testifying at public hearings, meeting with lawmakers, and more.
Sugary Drink/Healthy Hydration National Collaborative
This collaborative provides an inclusive convening space for local, state, tribal, and national stakeholders involved in efforts to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and increase healthy hydration – especially among children in communities with the highest prevalence of diseases related to sugary drink consumption, most targeted by beverage companies, and most likely to lack access to appealing, no-cost drinking water.
Collaborations with Native American and Alaskan Native Communities
Voices for Healthy Kids’ work with Indian Country began as a singular Fertile Ground grant program and has grown to include voices and perspectives that impact our policymaking and grantmaking practices. Some of the new voices representing Native American perspectives and strengthening cultural understanding around policymaking are:
Ahniwake Rose, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Policy Institute, who serves as a technical assistance provider for our Indian Country funded campaigns
Tasha Fridia, who represents the Ogalala-Sioux on the Strategic Advisory Committee
Renee Goldtooth of Notah Begay 3 Foundation, who collaborates with our Policy Research Network workgroup
Rose James, PhD of the Urban Indian Health Institute, who serves as a Health Leaders for Healthy Kids member and Policy Research Network member
Innovation, Equity, and Exploration Workgroups
Our Innovation, Equity, and Exploration Workgroups (IEE) explore policy questions to advance advocacy innovation and health equity, look at how policy issues overlap, and support dialogue on social, demographic, policy, and other trends related to our priorities. This past year, the workgroups focused on:
Exploring equity in access to early care and education programs, Head Start, and Early Head Start Policies, including state discriminatory practices, led by the National Head Start Association.
Exploring how to implement and expand healthy school meals for all and the Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP) to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. This included looking at districts that adopted the policies and identifying barriers and benefits of states and districts in pursuing either approach, led by the Tisch Center for Food, Education and Policy.
Developing a new policy lever on WIC access and needs, based on research and a landscape analysis conducted by the IEE workgroup focusing on state-by-state enrollment methods, led by Voices for Georgia’s Children.
Creating tribal policy lever recommendations to improve food quality and systems and meet early childhood education needs in Indigenous populations, and create a culturally appropriate advocacy resource, led by American Indian Cancer Foundation.
As always, the American Heart Association’s trusted science continues to play a foundational role in supporting Voices for Healthy Kids’ policy change efforts. It grows the evidence base for new and existing policies and provides trusted, evidence-based resources and materials to campaigns.
Recognizing gaps in our lived experiences of racial and socio-economic inequities, Voices for Healthy Kids better aligned our research network to reflect the needs of the communities we serve. This required recruiting new research experts from the University of Miami School of Medicine, Urban Indian Health Institute, Urban Institute, County Health Rankings, and the Council on Black Health, and then launching the equity-focused Policy Research Advisory Group. These experts are part of our larger Policy Research Network, formed in 2014, and include Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded research partners, American Heart Association professional volunteers (clinicians and scientists), academic institutions, and individual researchers.
We also expanded our pool of our research vendors to include a community of diverse evaluators who expertly drive and support the practice of culturally responsive and equitable evaluation.
Finally, this year, we also conducted research and authored studies about urgent public health issues, such as sugary drink consumption, that disproportionately impact communities of color and families with low incomes. Voices for Healthy Kids Senior Manager for Policy Research, Dr. Stephanie Scarmo co-authored with Drs. Jim Krieger, Sara Bleich, and Shu Wen Ng Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Reduction Policies: Progress and Promise, which reviewed policies that have been used to reduce sugary drink exposure and consumption.
Service to Campaigns
Voices for Healthy Kids has always hoped to help our collaborators and grantees build advocacy skills as they work to improve the health of children in communities across the country. In years past, our team has traveled around the country convening advocates and allies for trainings and conferences.
We had to learn how to work with grantees and organizations differently in 2020 and 2021. Pivoting quickly in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we converted what were typically in-person gatherings into virtual trainings. This shift allowed us to be more inclusive and reach more people. We trained not just campaign leaders but also their coalition partners, members, and supporters. And we helped them learn how to train others in the community.
We were grateful we could apply our expertise in a way that reached far more people than ever before. Along the way, we worked with communities to help build strong, inclusive campaign infrastructure that extends far beyond a single policy win or issue. Campaigns are now equipped and emboldened to initiate and sustain conversations among supporters and policymakers about how we make communities healthier for children.
“It’s definitely increased our capacity. All of these topics are things that I can carry on to future campaigns. And for the rest of my career.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee(submitted anonymously)
"I think [training and technical assistance] allowed us to think in a more structured way about campaigns. It gave us the support to be able to learn the policy process and build the capacity of our organization.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee(submitted anonymously)
Highlights from the year include:
Developing a five-part training for Kids Forward Wisconsin and its early childhood education coalition partners. In Effectively Communicating with Lawmakers and Beyond, participants learned about the legislative process, tips for communicating their story as it relates to legislative requests, and tips for effectively communicating with lawmakers and beyond to advance campaign priorities. They also had the opportunity to hear directly from Wisconsin legislative staff and to apply their learnings by participating in mock interviews and meetings.
Working with the Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham, we conducted a training series for the Women’s Policy Institute inaugural class of Fellows. The Fellows are community-based leaders who play a role in shaping and implementing policies that address the needs of women across the state. Fellows were trained in campaign planning, media advocacy, messaging, grassroots organizing, and social media.
Creating a Racial Equity in Public Policy Message Guide to share with collaborators and allies, and then launching a training series to support its use. This resource is designed to advance both equitable policies and conversations about structural racism with policymakers.
“That health equity messaging guide has been super helpful, and I’ve shared that around to some partners as well. And I think it’s really well done and it gives really clear and straightforward information about how to make sure that equity is front and center in your campaign.”
— Voices for Healthy Kids Grantee(submitted anonymously)
In FY 2020 - 2021, Voices for Healthy Kids awarded 57 grants to organizations advancing racial and health equity to improve the health of children, families, and communities.
December 2020: $2.5 million to 16 community health organizations in 14 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC, to increase access to and incentives for healthy food and drinks and early education. The funding addresses economic security, such as ensuring children and families have access to quality, affordable early care and education, as well as food security and healthy eating by expanding state funding for SNAP, increasing access to no-cost water in schools, and building community support for healthy kids’ meals and taxes on sugary drinks.
June 2021: $1 million to five community organizations to promote nutrition and economic security in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. The funding will help advance policies for improving health equity, with a focus on early care and education, food security and access to water in schools.
“These grants are one piece of our commitment to solving deeply sown societal issues that keep entire populations from reaping the health benefits of economic security, food security, and access to safe places to be active.”
— Donna Arnett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., B.S.N., chair of Voices for Healthy Kids’ Strategic Advisory Committee, Dean of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, and past president of the American Heart Association
Voices for Healthy Kids also launched a preemption policy fund to protect local democracies and advance equity. The fund, backed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and The Rockefeller Foundation, awards grants to organizations that protect the local right to advocate for and implement equitable policies and fight special industry groups that threaten the health and economic security of their communities.
We made significant changes to the way we approach our grantmaking, too—using data tools to inform where we fund, whom we fund, and how we evaluate grant applications and success.
Where We Fund
Using a detailed rubric based on data, we are able to prioritize areas in the country to fund: awarding grants to the geographies experiencing the greatest health disparities as measured by childhood obesity rate, percentage of the people of color, percentage of children under the federal poverty level and the percentage of children who are food insecure.
Who We Fund
Voices for Healthy Kids believes in lived experiences as important qualifications in community led policy change work. We also acknowledge, currently and historically, that organizations led by people of color face more barriers and receive less funding than white led organizations. As breaking down racial and health disparities is key to the Voices for Healthy Kids mission, we are committed to increasing funding to organizations and campaigns that have leadership that is Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian Native, Pacific Islander, and Asian American.
How We Evaluate
In addition to prioritizing location and evaluating leadership diversity, grant applicants are evaluated based on their potential to reduce health disparities, engagement and power building in communities most impacted, experience in changing policy, understanding of the historical context of the issues and inequities.
Policy Priorities
Voices for Healthy Kids focuses our efforts on the places that have been disinvested in for far too long: Black, African American, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American communities and families with low income. We advance equitable policies that make the places where kids and their families live, learn, and play healthier. These policies make healthier options more accessible and affordable for all families. We work to:
Making healthy, affordable food easily available and decreasing the consumption of sugary beverages
Without access to affordable healthy food and drinks, a nutritious diet and good health are out of reach. We support state, local, and tribal policies that increase access to healthy food and beverages, make it easier to eat healthy, and drive industry innovation to improve the food and drinks we all need.
Sugary Drinks
In 2020, we conducted message research, to help inform our advocacy efforts to decrease sugary drink consumption. We turned our findings into several messaging resources and a complementary creative suite that help advocates talk about the long-term health outcomes of sugary drinks, how sugary drink tax revenue can support community programs, and the unjust marketing to communities of color and families with low income. We took the resources on a virtual roadshow, training advocates and organizations across the country in how to use them. For example, we presented at the Center for Science and Public Interest’s 2021 Sugary Drink Summit, which brought together public health experts and advocates working to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks.
In spring 2021, we built off that research to learn more about Latino adults’ attitudes about sugary drinks and campaigns to reduce consumption of those drinks. The findings from the national survey can be used by campaigns to help engage the Latino community in these efforts.
“We've been using these [sugary drink] resources and find them extremely helpful! “
— Jane Kramer, Co-founder of Sugar Smart Coalition, Founder of Michigan Advocates for Healthy Checkouts
These tools were also informed by our work with grantees who have fought hard to change policy in their communities. Advocates in Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo were successful in getting policies or ordinances passed to make healthy drink options the default option on kids’ meals in restaurants.
A tax on sugary drinks and junk food, originally established in 2014 and set to expire in 2020, was extended in the Navajo Nation, particularly important to address health concerns impacting the Diné community. It is the first such policy in the world, serving as an example of tribal sovereignty to support community wellness, and revenue taxes have funded more than 1,300 community-selected wellness projects across the Navajo Nation, including community fitness classes, greenhouses, youth clubs, clean water initiatives, Navajo language and culture classes, and more.
Other cities, like Philadelphia, celebrated sugary drink tax anniversaries. Since Philadelphia implemented the beverage tax, there have been notable health impacts, such as a 38% reduction in sugary drink purchases according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Funding from the sugary drink tax has been used to support thousands of pre-K slots, more than a dozen community schools, and improvements to parks and recreation centers. The city focuses funding in areas lacking child care options and communities with greater numbers of families with low incomes.
Cities like Seattle have been able to address hunger with funding from sugary drink tax revenue. Last year, a community-driven campaign directed tax revenues to help feed families who were food insecure during COVID-19. Voices for Healthy Kids also awarded grants to help partners in over a dozen states push for extending food assistance benefits. See the Special Report: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grantees for more.
Ensuring early childhood programs and services are accessible and of high quality for families with low incomes
The more frequently infants and toddlers can be in healthy and supportive learning environments, the more likely they will be emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy and thrive, and of course, their parents will be supported. We fund and support early childhood development opportunities at the state and local levels, with a focus on children growing up in communities historically underserved or even excluded from economic opportunity.
For example, in FY 2020 - 2021, we supported advocates in Multnomah County, Oregon, to establish a “preschool for all” program, which prioritizes the community’s toddlers and children who currently have the least access, children who speak languages other than English, and children experiencing poverty. The program also provides special support for children with developmental delays and disabilities while building toward a fully universal system, and provides up to six hours per day of tuition-free, developmentally appropriate early learning, reflecting best practices.
And, next door in Washington state, Voices for Healthy Kids continued to support advocates who worked for multiple years to develop an Early Head Start pilot program that grew into $18.7-million-funded Early Head Start program, as well as to codify the program into state law.
In St. Louis, voters approved Proposition R, which will raise $2.3 million annually for early childhood programs and services each year, equitably allocated to programs serving infants and toddlers in the city’s most divested communities - a policy change made possible by Voices for Healthy Kids grantee WEPOWER.
And, most recently, our grantmaking and support extended to increase accessibility for child care workers in Colorado. This is particularly important, as early care and education centers have been closed or are severely understaffed as result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many people — particularly the women and people of color who typically work in child care jobs — in the U.S. are unemployed. Now, barriers to obtaining professional and commercial child care licenses have been removed for undocumented immigrants, a huge victory for efforts to dismantle employment discrimination, and in turn, support working parents and the Colorado workforce and economy.
Preventing states, industry, and special interests from blocking local actions that promote health, well-being, and equity
Local governments are uniquely positioned to meet the needs of the people in their communities by reflecting local context and values. Depending on the community, that could mean passing local laws to improve quality of life through sugary drink taxes, paid sick leave, smoke-free worksites, limited use of plastic bags, or equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.
Voices for Healthy Kids supports coalitions that defend local governments’ ability to promote health, well-being, and equity against efforts that would allow the state to prevent local action. This kind of state and corporate interference is often referred to as preemption.
It’s not an easy task to define preemption -- and it’s even more difficult to shape a new narrative about it and motivate audiences to allow for local communities to make their own decisions about the issues that affect them. With insights from messaging research, Voices for Healthy Kids developed a message manual to help campaigns talk about preemption effectively, as well as a complementary creative toolkit. As we do with all of our messaging and toolkit projects, the materials were supported by several trainings on how to use them.
Improving schools’ health and wellness policies and practices
Children — no matter where they live or what grade they are in — benefit from healthy food and clean water. That’s why we are committed to building healthy school environments. We do this by promoting good nutrition and access to safe and appealing water at no cost in all schools, especially those that have been historically under-resourced or excluded from economic opportunity.
In FY 2020 - 2021, Voices for Healthy Kids funded the California Association of Food Banks and the Center for Ecoliteracy, which led California to become the first state in the nation to permanently adopt free school meals for all K–12 students.
Voices for Healthy Kids also funded and supported four campaigns that advocated for improved access to water at schools in Tennessee,Arkansas, Texas, and Mississippi. Now, all new schools undergoing major renovations or newly built in Arkansas and Hamilton County, Tennessee will require water bottle filling stations. In Austin, Texas, public schools will include more water bottle filling stations in indoor and outdoor common spaces. And in Brookhaven, Mississippi, both staff and students are now allowed to carry water bottles.
Special Report: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Outcomes
Last spring, Voices for Healthy Kids quickly developed a new grant opportunity to provide rapid response dollars to help address the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; $1 million was awarded to organizations across 19 states, Puerto Rico, and the Lummi Nation in Washington state. Many of the organizations support communities hardest hit by the pandemic so they, too, needed to adapt quickly. With the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants, these organizations were able to direct resources to the compounding hardships facing children and families around the country.
Acting with Urgency
Recognizing the devastating impact of COVID-19, the community organizations mobilized with purpose and urgency — focusing their advocacy on the health, food, housing, and economic insecurities intensified by the pandemic. Not only did the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants provide direct dollars to support the work; they also created connections across communities and among advocates working on similar issues across the country. This enabled grantees to collaborate in new ways and expanded the Voices for Healthy Kids network to include new organizations that remain active in our network.
Addressing Health Inequities
Grantees pushed to address health inequities, such as making COVID-19 testing and other critical health services more accessible in communities of color. Some organizations were able to have an impact just a few short months after grants were awarded, including grantees who advocated for the expansion of Medicaid in Missouri and Oklahoma. Following on the work of grantees in these two states, advocates in North Carolina and Texas have also been raising public awareness and civic engagement around healthcare needs, laying the groundwork for Medicaid expansion.
Improving Access to Healthy Food
As COVID-19 exposed critical weaknesses in our food systems, grantees in several states also advanced policies to help children and families access healthy food. For example:
Along with others across the country, Alabama Arise successfully engaged federal policymakers to push for an increase in monthly SNAP benefits and an extension of pandemic EBT benefits. At the state level, Nebraska Appleseed led a diverse coalition to push state policymakers to adopt the federal pandemic EBT option to provide food assistance resources to tens of thousands of households across Nebraska.
Cultiva La Salud forged enduring community partnerships that allowed them to continue offering school meals to children in four school districts in California during the summer of 2020. By identifying and removing barriers to participation in school meal programs, their approach ensured that the greatest number of children over the greatest number of days received summer meals. Their efforts over the summer had a positive impact on fall meal operations in the targeted school districts, too.
The Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice launched a campaign to apply the state’s funding from the federal CARES Act purchase of local produce by food banks. This campaign not only responded to an immediate need due to the pandemic; it also initiated a longer-term conversation about the role food nonprofits play in building resilient community-based food systems.
“This award afforded us the opportunity to bring together a very valuable partnership. Because of it, we could gather initial data from school districts and parents, which was foundational to our continued advocacy related to promoting school meals.”
- Cultiva La Salud
ACCESS Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
Alabama Arise
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance
Beyond Housing
California Association of Food Banks
California Walks
Center for Health Progress
Center for Rural Affairs
Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition (COPC)
Coalition for Social Justice Ed Fund
Community Farm Alliance
Community Health Council of Wyandotte County
Cultiva La Salud
DC Greens
Dine' Food Sovereignty Alliance
Equality Ohio Education Fund
Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
First Nations Development Institute
Fusion Partnership fiscal sponsor for SPACEs In Action
Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
Hawai‘i Public Health Institute
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc.
Hunger Action Los Angeles
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
Kids Forward (formerly Wisconsin Council on Children and Families)
Lhaqtemish Foundation
MA Food System Collaborative
Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Make the Road New York
Maryland Medical Society - MedChi
Michigan Chapter American Academy of Pediatric
Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative
NAACP Maryland State Conference
Nebraska Appleseed
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy
Oral Health Kansas
Pinnacle Prevention
Policy Institute for the Children of Louisiana
Rhode Island Public Health Institute
Rural Economic Development Center, Inc.
Small Business Majority Foundation Inc.
Stand Up Nashville
Statewide Alignment Group (SWAG)
Tenants and Workers United
Texas Organizing Project Education Fund
The Food Trust
The Women's Fund of Greater Birmingham
Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition
Together Louisiana
Voices for Georgia's Children
Washington State Association of Head Start and ECEAP
Youth Development Institute
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