success stories Starting Strong in Colorado

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The State of Colorado is realizing that we’ve got to have a strong start to healthy education to set our future generations up for success. And they’re doing something about it!The state recently passed new Early Childcare and Education rules outlining ideal physical activity standards, ensuring healthy snacks and meals, and limiting screen time.The effort began in the fall of 2015, when the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) Office of Early Childhood and the Colorado Board of Health partnered together to adopt new standards for childcare facilities.

These laws ensure that all food provided in childcare centers meets USDA nutrition requirements; an active play time minimum is in place; and that screen time is limited on a weekly basis.While these are significant steps in the right direction, the CDHS and other invested stakeholders agree that it’s just the beginning. Ensuring health statewide must start with the youngest.Learn more here.

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